ការអភិវឌ្ឍ និងការគ្រប់គ្រងទីក្រុង
បទល្មើសព្រហ្មទណ្ឌកើន ២៩៨ លើកនៅភ្នំពេញកាលពីឆ្នាំមុន
បទល្មើសព្រហ្មទណ្ឌបានកើតឡើងចំនួន ៧៧៥លើក គឺកើនឡើងចំនួន ២៩៨លើក តែចំនួនអ្នកស្លាប់ថយចុះ ១៧នាក់ នៅក្នុងឆ្នាំ ២០១៣ បើប្រៀបធៀបនឹងឆ្នាំ ២០១២ នេះបើយោងតាមរបាយការណ៍របស់ស្នងការនគរបាលរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ ដែលត្រូវបានចែកចាយ នៅ ...
ប៊ុត រស្មីគង្គា
កាលពីម្សិលមិញ អ្នកភូមិសហគមន៍បុរីកីឡាបានដាក់បណ្ដាសាមនុស្សដែលពួកគាត់និយាយថា ទទួលខុសត្រូវចំពោះការធ្វើឲ្យ ជីវិតរបស់ពួកគាត់លំបាកវេទនាចាប់តាំងពីបានបណ្ដេញពួកគាត់ដោយហិង្សាចេញពីផ្ទះសំបែងរបស់ខ្លួនកាលពីពីរឆ្នាំមុន។ ...
អូន ភាព និង Lauren Crothers
កម្មករក្រុមហ៊ុនស៊ីនទ្រី ខ្នះខ្នែងប្រមូលសំរាមយ៉ាងច្រើនដែលគរនៅតាមផ្លូវនានានៅភ្នំពេញ
កាលពីម្សិលមិញ កម្មករប្រមូលសំរាមបានធ្វើការបន្ថែមម៉ោងដើម្បីសម្អាតគំនរសំរាមធំៗ ដែលបានកើនឡើងនៅក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញនាសប្ដាហ៍នេះ បន្ទាប់ពីពួកគេបានធ្វើកូដកម្មនាំគ្នាឈប់ប្រមូលសំរាមអស់រយៈពេលបួនថ្ងៃដើម្បីទាមទារ ...
បែន សុខហ៊ាន និង Denise Hruby
សាលារាជធានីអះអាងថា ខ្លួននឹងបើកសិក្ខាសាលាមួយនៅក្នុងខែ កុម្ភៈ ជាមួយអង្គការសង្គមស៊ីវិល និងសហគមន៍ដីធ្លីជិត ៤០០ ដើម្បីសិក្សាពីតម្រូវការជាក់ស្តែងរបស់សហគមន៍ក្រីក្រខណៈដែលប្រជាពលរដ្ឋក្នុងសហគមន៍ក្រីក្រប្រមាណ ១១ ភាគរយបានក្លាយជាជនរងគ្រោះ ...
ឆាយ ច័ន្ទនីដា
សាលារាជធានីភ្នំពេញក្រើនរំឭកអំពីការស្ទះចរាចរណ៌ នៅពេលគម្រោងស្តារប្រព័ន្ធលូបង្ហូរទឹកចាប់ផ្តើម
យោងតាមសេចក្តីប្រកាសរបស់សាលារាជធានីភ្នំពេញបានឲ្យដឹងថា សាលារាជធានីបានក្រើនរំឭកសាធារណជនថា នឹងមានការស្ទះចរាចរណ៍រយៈពេលវែងនៅម្តុំផ្សារអូរឫស្សី ក្នុងខណ្ឌ៧មករា បន្ទាប់ពីសកម្មភាពសាងសង់ចាប់ផ្តើមនៅក្នុង ...
ឃួន ណារីម
កាលពីថ្ងៃសុក្រ លោក ប៉ា សុជាតិវង្ស អភិបាលរាជធានីភ្នំពេញបានទៅសួរសុខទុក្ខអ្នកភូមិសហគមន៍បុរីកីឡាដែលត្រូវបានបណ្តេញចេញ ដែលឥឡូវនេះរស់នៅកន្លែងគំនរចាក់សំរាមនៅក្បែរអតីតលំនៅដ្ឋានរបស់ខ្លួន ហើយជាថ្មីម្តងទៀតលោកបានសន្យាសាង ...
គម្រោងសាងសង់អគារតាមបែបទីក្រុងប៉ារីស តម្លៃ$១៥០លាននៅកោះពេជ្រនឹងត្រូវបានចាប់ផ្ដើមនៅក្នុងរយៈពេលប៉ុន្មានខែខាងមុខនេះ។ គម្រោងសាងសង់អាផាតមិននេះនឹងត្រូវប្រើរយៈពេល៤ឆ្នាំ ដែលសាងសង់លើផ្ទៃដី ៧០ ...
Eddie Morton
ដោយយោងទៅតាមក្រសួងរៀបចំដែនដី នគរូបនីយកម្ម និង សំណង់ ការវិនិយោគផ្នែកសំនង់នៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជារយៈពេល១១ខែមុនក្នុងឆ្នាំ២០១៣មានតម្លៃ២.៤កោដដុល្លារ ឬមានចំនួន១៥២៦គំរោង ដោយគ្របដណ្តប់លើតំបន់សាងសង់ទំហំ៧ ...
បុគ្គលិកសារព័ត៌មាន The Cambodia Herald News
City Hall Announces New Plan to Raise Living Standards of Poor
City Hall announced a new plan to improve living standards in the city’s poorest areas Tuesday on International Human Rights Day, while representatives for the urban poor continued to call on the municipality to issue longsought after land titles. Addressing a crowd of 600 at Olympic ...
Kuch Naren
Air Pollution—The Latest Threat to Angkor Park
Air pollution from vehicles and electric generators inside the Angkor Archeological Park and in Siem Reap City is soiling and darkening the monuments at the World Heritage Site, an official at the Apsara Authority, which is responsible for the park, said Friday. Options to decrease ...
Denise Hruby
Capital to launch trial bus route
Phnom Penh commuters fed up with navigating the city’s increasingly busy streets will have a chance to test a new public bus service beginning in February. Phnom Penh Municipality spokesman Long Dimanche yesterday confirmed a one-month trial of a bus service along a 7.5-kilometre route running ...
Hor Kimsay
City Hall Moves to Stop State Land Swaps
In an effort to put a stop to land swaps in Phnom Penh, City Hall has called on state institutions with offices in Chamkar Mon district’s Tonle Bassac commune to register or re-register for land titles, a municipal official said Sunday. A letter signed by ...
Aun Pheap
Cambodia's Siem Reap, China's Jiangxi ink cooperation deal
Cambodia’s cultural Siem Reap province and China’s eastern Jiangxi province have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen cooperation in a number of fields, according to a copy of the MoU on Saturday. The deal was inked on Friday afternoon between Khim Bunsong, governor of ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
Office demand expected to pick up
Office space demand in Cambodia remained stable in the third quarter of this year, the lack of growth reflecting market concerns regarding post-election political instability, property experts say. Hang Yuvan, sales manager at Phnom Penh Tower, said that office space demand should improve by the end ...
Siv Meng
Strike reaches City Hall
More than 100 workers from the Alim garment factory in Phnom Penh marched on City Hall yesterday, demanding the dismissal of four managers. Yam Thaisan, a legal officer from a union representing the workers at the Por Sen Chey district factory, said strikers had called on ...
Mom Kunthear
Tonle Bassac: Primed for the future
Tonle Bassac is located on the western shore of the Bassac River, from which it takes its name (Tonle is Khmer for ‘river’). Contained by the river to the east, Sihanouk Boulevard to the north and Norodom Boulevard to the west, Tonle Bassac hooks westward ...
David Murphy
Police Have Not Enforced Traffic Laws for Four Months
Traffic police across the country have still not resumed enforcing traffic laws after a pre-election enforcement moratorium that was meant to last just a few weeks ahead of the July 28 poll, according to government and U.N. officials. “The superiors ordered [police] to stop, for a ...
Khuon Narim and Joshua Wilwohl
Tourists flock to beaches, temples
While the streets of Phnom Penh were quiet this holiday period after the Water Festival was cancelled, numbers swelled in the provinces as tourists flocked to Cambodia’s temples and beaches, provincial officials said yesterday. Chhoeuy Chhorn, director of the Siem Reap Provincial Tourism Department, said Angkor ...
Chan Muy Hong
Vietnamese market planned
Cambodia’s first Vietnamese wholesale market is being constructed in Phnom Penh, a Vietnamese trade officer told the Post yesterday. Tran Tu, trade attaché of the Vietnam Trade Office in Cambodia, said the new wholesale market seeks to enhance Vietnamese produce in Cambodia. The wholesale market, will be located ...
May Kunmakara
Despite Denials, Levi’s Still Producing at SL Garment Factory
U.S. denim giant Levi Strauss continued to deny this week that its products are linked to the strife-torn SL Garment Factory in Phnom Penh, despite new photographs showing Levi’s trademark jeans stacked on benches at the plant in Meanchey district. The Singaporean-owned factory, which also produces ...
Dene-Hern Chen and Aun Pheap
One Week on, Shooting Investigation Has Yielded Nothing
One week after police opened fire on civilians during clashes that broke out during an SL Garment Factory protest, killing bystander Eng Sokhom and injuring nine others, arrests have yet to be made on the back of an investigation that victims said appears to be ...
Mech Dara and Lauren Crothers
Cambodian Villagers Demand Land Activist’s Release Ahead of Appeal
More than 200 villagers involved in three different land disputes gathered in front of Cambodia’s top court in the capital Tuesday to demand the release of jailed rights campaigner Yorm Bopha ahead of her final appeal against a criminal conviction later this week. Yorm Bopha’s impending ...
Radio Free Asia Staff
Thirteen Arrested for Illegal Online Gambling
Nine South Koreans and four Cambodian nationals allegedly participating in an illegal gambling operation in Siem Reap City were sent to the provincial court for questioning Monday, police officials said. The suspects were arrested Saturday night along with 21 Cambodian women when police raided an illegal ...
Saing Soenthrith
Phnom Penh’s 5 New Districts Create Fears of Gerrymandering
Phnom Penh City Hall’s plans to undertake the largest redrawing of the city’s administrative boundaries in decades, by creating five new districts before May’s district and city-level council elections, is likely an effort to gerrymander voting constituencies, a senior opposition party member said Monday. Municipal government ...
Alex Willemyns