After Violent Demonstrations, Hun Sen Encourages Peace

In the wake of last week’s mass demonstrations and heavy-handed police response, Prime Minister Hun Sen has called on Cambodians to promote a state of peace for the sake of the country’s social and economic development. In a letter written to mark the U.N.’s International Day of Peace on Saturday, the prime minister also reminded people how his party had liberated Cambodia from the Khmer Rouge, a common refrain, and one he repeated often in the lead-up to July’s election, along with the threat that the country’s dark history could repeat itself should the CNRP win. … The prime minister’s letter came as the inaugural session of the National Assembly is set to convene today in the absence of the CNRP and amid a drastically heightened police presence in Phnom Penh. … Tim Malay, president of the Cambodian Youth Network, said that if the prime minister is serious about promoting peace, he should work to ensure the CNRP is part of future political dialogue. “There must be another political party, if the new government is to have checks and balances,” he said.

Hul Reaksmey