Election Observers Call for Recount of Votes in Kandal

Election observers on Wednesday released a joint statement regarding the fallout from the disputed national election, calling for a recount of votes in Kandal province’s Takhmao City, where a particularly large number of irregularities were reported. The Situation Room, a conglomerate of NGO’s and election monitors established to oversee the July 28 poll, found more than 10,000 ir­regularities across the nation but were especially alarmed by reports from Kandal province, where Prime Minister Hun Sen was the CPP’s No. 1 candidate for a seat in the National Assembly. “The irregularities in Kandal prov­ince are very concerning, especially from polling station number 1204 in Sa’ang district’s Sa’ang Phnom commune, [which] was closed before the [3 p.m.] deadline,” reads the statement, adding that no 1108 form, on which vote counts were recorded, was lodged from a separate polling station in Takhmao City. “[The Situation Room] would like to request that the Constitu­tional Council and National Election Committee [NEC] check pol­ling station 1204 and recount the vote in Takhmao commune.” … The joint statement said that 48 percent of the 10,000 irregularities on election day were cases where people had arrived at polling booths ready to cast their vote but were unable to do so, primarily because of names missing from the voter list or incorrect data on identification documents. …

Neou Vannarin and Matt Blomberg