Embassies Warned CNRP Wants Coup

The government has informed foreign embassies in the country that the opposition’s threatened demonstrations over the election results are intended to illegally overthrow the elected CPP-led government, a ministry spokesman said Wednesday. Lieutenant General Khieu Sopheak, spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, said that letters were sent to more than 40 embassies, along with local and international NGOs, warning them of the government’s fears that demonstrations held by the CNRP could be used as an attempt to conduct a coup. “This was a serious letter to the embassies that some of the words that we have heard [at CNRP rallies] encourage people at the demonstrations to topple and change the government—words like ‘throw out, throw out, throw out,’ and ‘change, change, change,’” Lt. Gen. Sopheak said. “If they love Cambodia, they would not do this activity. The Royal Government of Cambodia is the elected government,” he added. … China and Vietnam are among a handful of countries that have congratulated the CPP on their victory, while Cambodia’s major Western donors, along with Japan and the majority of Asean member states, have refrained from endorsing preliminary election results. Final election results are expected to be released by the Constitutional Council of Cambodia by September 8. The E.U., U.S. and Australia have all backed calls from the CNRP and civil society for an independent investigation into the vote. … Elected CNRP lawmakers have also promised to boycott the National Assembly if their demands for an investigation are not met, a move that Prime Minister Hun Sen has said would allow the NEC to give their seats to the CPP. …

Colin Meyn