Firm to Offer Financing for Motorcycles
Thailand’s GL Finance Plc. launched its business in Cambodia on Friday by opening eight branches in Phnom Penh and Kandal province that will operate hire purchase operations out of Honda motorcycle dealership. Speaking during the opening ceremony for its branch in Phnom Penh’s Prampi Makara district, ...
'Gender Cafe' Offers Women a Place to Express Themselves
Busy juggling jobs, children, and housework, Cambodian women do not have the time, or platforms, to discuss bigger women-related issues like abuse, migration and forced eviction. And that is why a new initiative, called “Gender Cafe,” aims to change that by giving local women a ...
Hun Sen announces new airport
Prime Minister Hun Sen requisitioned 768 hectares of land on Saturday that will be used to build an international airport in Kampong Chhnang after 2025. During presiding over a land title distribution ceremony in Kampong Chhnang province, the prime minister announced the expansion of the airport. ...
Maid may be stuck in Malaysia
The mother of a domestic maid allegedly stranded in Malaysia has become the latest Cambodian claimant to file an official complaint to the Ministry of Interior over labor abuse in the country. Em Sokhum said her 24-year-old daughter Chher Sophorn left to pursue work in Malaysia more than ...
Pol Pot-Era Airbase Earmarked as Future Tourist Gateway
Prime Minister Hun Sen said Saturday that in order to manage future tourist numbers, the government will construct a new international airport on the site of the Kampong Chhnang airbase, which was built by slave labor during the Khmer Rouge regime. Mr. Hun Sen said that ...
Hun Sen Slams Use of Wife's, Red Cross' Name to Grab Land
Prime Minister Hun Sen on Saturday accused unnamed individuals of attempting to grab land in Kompong Thom province by invoking his wife’s name and ordered one of his sons to investigate and give back any misappropriated land. According to Mr. Hun Sen, unscrupulous individuals were ...
US Donates IT Equipment To Ministry of Defense
The U.S. Embassy donated more than 300 laptops and other assorted equipment valued at over $250,000 to the Ministry of Defense on Saturday, according to an embassy statement. The equipment will go to the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces’ priority units, which already receive training from the ...
Collective approach to 'help poor'
The collective power of agricultural co-operatives could bring huge benefits to poor, small-scale farmers, a Phnom Penh conference for international World Food Day heard on Friday. The sentiments were shared by the director of Cambodia’s General Directorate of Agriculture, So Khan Rithy Kun, who said farming ...
Land deals? Leave the Red Cross out of it: PM
Prime Minister Hun Sen publicly castigated the Kampong Thom provincial governor in a speech on Saturday for allegedly claiming a large portion of land and saying it was needed for the local office of the Cambodian Red Cross, an agency lead by Hun Sen’s wife, Bun ...
Court Issues Injunction Over Mfone Debt
The Norwegian energy firm Eltek Valere won an injunction from the Phnom Penh Municipal Court earlier this month against the Thai-owned mobile operator Mfone after it filed a complaint claiming that Mfone had failed to pay $3.73 million in service charges, court documents obtained Friday ...
Disasters present big risks for small GDPs
Cambodia’s small economy leaves it especially vulnerable to devastation in the face of large-scale natural disasters, United Nations agencies and Cambodian officials warned last week. “The relative size of an economy adds to the vulnerability as seen particularly in the case of the Lao Peoples’ ...
By Khouth Sophak Chakrya, P. 4
H&M slammed over wages
Criticism has mounted against Swedish multinational clothing company H&M in its home country following a documentary released last week that sheds light on wages in its source factories in Cambodia. The episode of Swedish network TV4’s Kalla Fakta, or Cold Facts, focuses mainly on Cambodian garment ...
PM pledges pay boost
The government on Friday pledged a 20 per cent increase to the base salary of civil servants year-on-year in a move one government official insisted was based on economics, not politics. The announcement was made in a statement released over the weekend outlining government spending for ...
Europe Adopts Resolution on Cambodian Rights Situation
Drawing from a long list of human rights abuses, the European Parliament has urged the Cambodian government to stop forced evictions, called on the European Commission (E.C.) to investigate the country’s controversial land concessions policy, and raised the prospect of sanctions. In a resolution passed Friday ...
European body sends a message
The European Parliament, representing one of the country’s largest donors, on Friday called for a moratorium on forced evictions, an overhaul of elections and even went so far as to suggest to the European Union that it suspend tariff-free imports of agricultural goods linked to ...
Cooperatives Key to Help Farmers, Combat Hunger
The key to lifting people out of poverty could be found in the setting up of farming cooperatives, the country director of the World Food Program said on Friday, which was also World Food Day. Jean-Pierre de Margerie, country director of the World Food Program, said ...
Government Allocates More Than $3 Billion in 2013 Budget
The government has allocated more than $3 billion for total government spending in 2013, an increase of 19.2 percent on the $2.6 billion the government planned to spend in 2012, according to a statement issued by the Council of Ministers on Friday. The statement did not ...
Three More Airlines to Offer Flights to Cambodia
Three more international airlines will soon begin operating flights to Cambodia’s two main airports, according to Cambodia Airports, which owns and operates the facilities. Lao Central Airlines and Qatar Airways will offer flights to Phnom Penh, and Frankfurt-based Condor Air will fly direct to Siem Reap, ...
Maid Company Offers Alternative to Migration
A new made-service company that claims to be the only one of its kind in Cambodia is offering an alternative employment option for the country’s many domestic workers who face insecure, and often abusive, workplace conditions overseas. Ming Hour Home Service, which opened in July, employs ...
Missing girl feared trafficked
Meas Bopha, 47, sits in an outdoor pagoda over a lotus-filled pond on her property in Kampong Speu, home to 10 of her 12 children, and wipes back tears as she talks about her missing teenage daughter, Bophea, who vanished one morning last week. Bophea ...
Too few businesses registered
A majority of small and medium enterprises in Cambodia were not registered, despite the advantages it offered to businesses, participants at a workshop on business registration procedure, intellectual property and business etiquette for women heard yesterday. Referring to 2011 statistics, Chan Sorey, vice-minister of the Ministry ...
Mobile Phone Firms Threaten to Sue Mfone
Mobile phone operators Hello Axiata Co. Ltd. and Latelz Co. Ltd. are threatening to take legal action against the Thai-owned firm Mfone for allegedly refusing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars allegedly owed to them in interconnection fees. In a letter dated October 12 to ...
Factory boss tried for crumpling moon pic
The Kandal Provincial Court yesterday tried and convicted a Chinese factory supervisor for damaging a photograph of the moon in which the likeness of the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk is believed to have been seen. Judge Lim Sokuntha said the court had sentenced Leav Kuyseang, ...
Politics 'behind journo deaths'
Twelve journalists have been killed in Cambodia since 1993, according to a report from the rights group Adhoc, which believes much of the bloodshed was politically motivated. The body count was included in a round-up of abuses against the media in a report the group released ...