Fainting workers blame fumes
Almost 150 garment factory workers from two Phnom Penh factories fainted late last week after inhaling toxic fumes used to treat clothes, workers and union leaders said yesterday. The mass faintings came as the Clean Clothes Campaign and Community Legal Education Center released an evaluation report ...
Report Urges Better Factories to do more
Better Factories Cambodia must name and shame garment factories that abuse the labour law if it is to transform Cambodia into an ethical sourcing option, a report on the International Labor Organization initiative says. Better Factories should make monitoring reports public, according to the 10 Years ...
UNITEL's data roaming services cover Cambodia and Mauritius
The Angolan mobile company of UNITEL expanded its data roaming services to Cambodia and Mauritius, through accords established with the operators of Orange and Latelz. According to a press note from UNITEL that reached Angop on Monday, with these partnerships, UNITEL is enabling for its customers ...
Cambodian Sweet Treat Showcase
At least 100 varieties of cakes and desserts were displayed at the riverside park in front of Wat Ounalom, drawing in hundreds of locals and tourists eager to sample the local delicacies. The three day event, which concluded on Saturday, was organised by Phnom Penh City ...
Indian trade promotion office opens in Cambodia
The office of the Indian Chamber of Commerce was officially launched here Sunday to promote economic, trade and investment ties between India and Cambodia. The office is to act on behalf of Indian business organisations and individuals for business facilitation, regulatory exchange as well as to ...
Fire Destroys 32 Homes In Russei Keo District
Two people received burns when a large fire gutted 32 houses in Russei Keo district’s Kilometer Nine commune on Friday, police said. The fire broke out at 11 a.m. in a village of wooden houses at the rear of the Cambodian Television Network station, said municipal ...
Cambodia Import-Export The First Half Year Analysis
Although the Cambodian government has projected Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of around 7 percent this year, a bit higher than come other international financial organizations like the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it does not mean that the country’s projection could not ...
IMF Calls on Cambodia to Broaden Tax Base
.Cambodian government must rise its tax revenue intake if it to stay on a sustainable path toward development, International Monetary Fund officials have said. Although Cambodia is experiencing increased growth in trade and investment, the country should broaden its tax base to create sustainable revenue collection, a ...
ASEAN Spells Out its Tourism Priorities Ahead of 2015
The countries of ASEAN are now implementing a clear road map to achieve the tourism objectives of the ASEAN Economic Community, due 2015. There will be a new ‘ASEAN for ASEAN’ campaign and special promotions, along with enhanced strategic cooperation with the growth markets of ...
Duo Gets Bail After Obstructing Land Volunteers
A Council of Ministers official and her husband who were arrested in July for obstructing a land-titling initiative spearheaded by Prime Minister Hun Sen have received bail, Stung Treng Provincial Court prosecutor Chroeng Khmao said Friday. Meas Sokhon, who works at the Council of the Ministers’ ...
Mired in Land Disputes, Villagers Find No Remedy in Courts
Since 2009, local human rights group Adhoc has documented 623 cases of land conflict in the country, yet only a little more than 10 percent of those cases were brought to court. The statistics highlight the lack of trust ordinary Cambodians have in the court system, says Adhoc, ...
Hun Sen Asks Summit to Back UN Bid
Addressing the biggest international summit Iran has held in decades, Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday made a plea to the 120 nations belonging to the Non-aligned Movement (NAM) to support Cambodia in its quest for a non-permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council. There is ...
Cambodian rice expert produces ‘more with less’
WHEN he introduced his novel rice production method to Cambodian farmers more than a decade ago, Yang Saing Koma had to battle sceptics who laughed at his idea. How could less irrigation and shallower planting result in higher yield? But Koma, founder of the Cambodian centre ...
Youths seek to create jobs
With different talents but similar passions, Small World is a small enterprise that brings talented young Cambodians together to learn, work and network in the new world of business. Small World is a collaborative workplace created to ensure that young people passionate about business have access ...
Families Seek Missing Relatives in Malaysia
Ten months after the government suspended sending Cambodian women to work as maids in Malaysia, following numerous reports of abuse by employers and recruitment companies, families say they have completely lost contact with their loved ones who continue to work in Malaysian households. Local rights group Adhoc has recorded ...
Japan to Study Angkor Wat Park Environment
The Apsara Authority on Wednesday signed an agreement with the Japan Development Institute and two Japanese environmental management companies that will allow them to conduct a feasibility study into the natural environment and pollution in the Angkor Archaeological Park. Yuki Edano, Japan’s minister of economy, trade and industry, and Commerce ...
Study of Angkor impact to be done
Apsara Authority on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with three Japanese companies to conduct a feasibility study to solve various environmental problems in the Angkor area. The MoU was signed between Bun Narith, director general of Apsara Authority, Shoichi Kobayashi, chairman of the Japan ...
No Probe Yet of Link to Taiwan Heroin Shipment
Cambodian police have yet to receive information about last week’s massive heroin haul by Taiwanese authorities, who indicated that the drugs were sourced from Cambodia, said Lieutenant General Khieu Sopheak, spokesman for the Interior Ministry. According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Justice, 70 kg of heroin were ...
Canadians urged to invest in Cambodia
Canadian Trade Minister Ed Fast yesterday said he would urge Canadians to invest in Cambodia as opportunies become more viable to potential foreign direct investment from countries that have thus far played a small role in the Kingdom. Fast attended a ceremony recognising the first ...
One Garment Worker Killed, 24 Injured in Truck Accident
A female garment worker died and 24 other workers were injured when the truck in which they were traveling careened into a pond in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district Wednesday morning, police said. More than 30 garment workers were on board a small, open-backed truck in Prek ...
Man Charged With Clearing State Forestland
The Kampong Thom Provincial Court yesterday charged a man with clearing state-owned forestland after he was arrested on Monday along with 13 other villagers, according to provincial prosecutor Ben Sarath. Heoun Sokha was arrested in Kraya commune’s Santuk district after he was found by police clearing ...
Khmer Cakes, Desserts Make a Sweet Display
The annual Khmer Cakes and Desserts Exhibition was launched yesterday with a ceremony on Phnom Penh’s riverfront near Wat Ounalom attended by officials from the municipality and Ministry of Culture. Noting that it was the second year the event had been held, Phnom Penh Governor Kep ...
As Case Delayed, Former Maid Trainee Suffers
When Heng Hak escaped from Phnom Penh maid recruitment center in March 2011, falling several stories in the process, she unwittingly became part of a groundswell-one in a series of mounting cases highlighting severe mismanagment of recruitment agencies, and the abuses incurred by both trainees ...
US firms suggest ASEAN improve financial services
Although US businesses across ASEAN have expressed a positive investment outlook towards Cambodia and the other members of the regional group, they are unsure of how to take advantage of the free-trade agreement with China, insiders said at the first-ever ASEAN-US Business Summit, which kicked ...