Phnom Penh Governor Expresses Disapproval of CNRP Rally

Phnom Penh governor Pa Socheatvong on Thursday rebuked opposition CNRP president Sam Rainsy for allegedly breaking his promise to keep Monday’s CNRP rally at Freedom Park to 6,000 people and bar the participation of supporters from outside of the city. Well over 10,000 CNRP supporters attended the rally, at which Mr. Rainsy called for na­tionwide protests by September 8 unless the government agreed to an independent investigation of last month’s national election, which both the CNRP and ruling CPP claim to have won. Although the crowd swelled well past the 6,000 limit the government had asked for, the event remained orderly and peaceful. Even so, Mr. Socheatvong sought to chastise Mr. Rainsy for allegedly breaking their arrangement. “In fact the people from the provinces also participated and the number of participants ex­ceeded the limit until reaching almost 20,000 people,” he said in a letter to Mr. Rainsy, which was posted to the city’s website. …

Khy Sovuthy