Switzerland provides 3 mln USD to Cambodia for mine clearance

Switzerland on Tuesday granted 3 million U.S. dollars to Cambodia through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for mine clearance. The agreement was inked between Rahel Boesch, director of Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation office in Cambodia, and Setsuko Yamazaki, director of UNDP office in Cambodia, in the presence of Prak Sokhonn, Vice President of Cambodian Mine Action and Victims Assistance Authority. … Heng Ratana, director general of the Cambodia Mine Action Center, has said that about 3.1 million landmines and unexploded ordnances have been removed and destroyed so far, and the country is seeking about 50 million U.S. dollars a year until 2020 to entirely get rid of all types of anti-personnel mines. … Heng Ratana, director general of the Cambodia Mine Action Center, has said that about 3.1 million landmines and unexploded ordnances have been removed and destroyed so far, and the country is seeking about 50 million U.S. dollars a year until 2020 to entirely get rid of all types of anti-personnel mines.

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