Language gap cited at job fair
While Japanese investment is soaring in Cambodia, Japanese employers say there is a shortage of Japanese-speaking staff available to fill the demand. Kong Solina, assistant to the manager of the Service and Culture Department of the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC), said the purpose of the ...
Textile Industry Gets Lessons From Korean Designers
Cambodian manufacturers on Wednesday received training from Korean designers on how to make apparel in line with current fashion trends in the hopes of assisting them in penetrating the lucrative but difficult Korean market. The event was organized by the ASEAN-Korea Center—an intergovernmental organization that aims ...
Kingdom’s crafts can be hit in Korea
Cambodian handicrafts and home decor products could take off with South Korean buyers if certain obstacles – conceptual design, development techniques, and slow delivery services – are overcome, business owners and merchants said yesterday. Speaking at a seminar on Korean Market Access for Cambodia’s textiles at ...
Scooter connects to phone
Japan-base Terra Motors said it plans to sell its smartphone-compatible electric scooter in Cambodia by the end of this year. The lithium-battery-powered A4000i, introduced last week in Tokyo, can be connected to an iPhone, delivering live data while driving. “We will start to sell this scooter ...
Chinese Firm Joins Crowded Telecom Market
Mobile firm CooTel, a subsidiary of a large Chinese telecommunications corporation, is making plans to enter Cambodia’s oversaturated mobile phone market, officials said. The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications granted CooTel’s parent company, Xinwei (Cambodia) Telecom Co. Ltd., an operating license in August 2011 and the ...
Cambodia's trade with S. Korea up 12% in 5 months
Bilateral trade between Cambodia and South Korea has reached 329 million U.S. dollars in the first five months of this year, up 12 percent over the same period last year, showed the latest figures from the Korea Trade- Investment Promotion Agency to Phnom Penh on ...
RISDA To Open Two Plantations In Cambodia
The Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (RISDA) is opening two plantations in Cambodia, its director-general Datuk Wan Mohamad Zuki Mohamad said Wednesday. He said discussions had been held with the companies that would be tasked with managing the plantations last week. “We are now awaiting approval ...
Polls scaring off new business: ministry
The number of new businesses registering in Cambodia slid 20 per cent in the first half of this year compared with the same time in 2012 as investors fret over putting money into the economy during a potentially instable election year, a senior official said. Data ...
ផ្សារមូលបត្រកម្ពុជាបានដំណើរការអស់រយៈពេលជិតពីរឆ្នាំមកហើយ តាំងពីត្រូវបានបើកសម្ពោធនៅក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ នៅចំពោះមុខមន្ត្រីរដ្ឋាភិបាលពោរពេញដោយមោទនភាព មន្ត្រីហិរញ្ញវត្ថុជាន់ខ្ពស់ និងក្រុមវិនិយោគិនមកពីទូទាំងតំបន់។ ...
ហ៊ុល រស្មី និង Alex Willemyns
Chartered carrier takes off
Newly established Wat Phnom Airlines completed its maiden flight to Taiwan’s Taoyuan International Airport on July 10. But its predecessor, grounded Tonlesap Airlines, is said to owe the same airport more than $50,000 in landing fees. The local chartered carrier “is officially in business after it ...
Political bias alleged
Four families in Oddar Meanchey province’s Samrong town have filed a complaint with their commune hall, alleging that a military official and a village chief are trying to block them from receiving land titles because the families support the Cambodian National Rescue Party. The families and ...
UK Lawsuit Against Sugar Firm Heading to Trial
A lawsuit filed by families in Koh Kong province accusing U.K. sugar giant Tate & Lyle of wrongfully profiting off land stolen from them is heading to trial after efforts to mediate a settlement fell through earlier this month, according to those involved. Law firm Jones ...
Teacher raises made public
In the middle of an election campaign in which wages have been a prominent issue, the Ministry of Education did something out of the ordinary Monday: It made public the official pay scale it uses to remunerate its teachers. The list contains figures that are somewhat ...
ភ្នំពេញ — ស្របពេលដែលការបោះឆ្នោតថ្នាក់ជាតិកាន់តែខិតចូលមក គេសង្កេតឃើញថា យុវជនកម្ពុជាបានចូលរួមក្នុងកិច្ចការឃោសនា និងការបោះឆ្នោតមានសន្ទុះកាន់តែផុសផុលឡើងខុសពីអាណត្តិមុនៗ។ ការណ៍នេះមន្ត្រីជំនាញអះអាងថា ជាចំណុចរបត់នយោបាយដ៏វិជ្ជមាន ...
ឃួន ធារ៉ា
Garbage Mounts at Freedom Park Ahead of Rainsy’s Return
The Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) plans to give its leader, Sam Rainsy, a hero’s welcome when he returns to the country on Friday after nearly four years in self-imposed exile. But unless action is taken quickly, Mr. Rainsy will be forced to deliver his first ...
Mystery Surrounds Ratanakkiri’s First Special Economic Zone
Construction of a special economic zone (SEZ) near the Vietnamese border in Ratanakkiri province’s eastern O’Yadaw district is on track, but who exactly will avail of the facility and its services remains a mystery—even for senior provincial officials. The latest announced venture of agro-industry land concession ...
Angkor Wat revenue at $51 million for last year
Revenue from foreign tourists buying passes to see temples in Siem Reap’s Angkor Wat complex amounted to about $51 million last year, according to a Post calculation of data that was released Friday in a letter by the Apsara Authority, which manages the site. [Bun] Narith ...
Japanese Companies Host Employment Fair in Phnom Penh
Cambodian students, graduates and jobseekers filled the main hall of the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center on Tuesday looking for employment opportunities with some of Japan’s largest corporations. Organizers said the event aimed to bridge the gap between skilled Cambodian job seekers and companies from the world’s third ...
U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia returns from reverse trade mission in U.S.
U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia, William E. Todd returned from a reverse trade mission in the United States to promote trade and investment opportunities in Cambodia. Around 50 Cambodian business representatives accompanied Mr. Todd in meetings with several U.S. businesses, investors, and trade associations in Long Beach, ...
Thai AirAsia on Siem Reap price war
Thai AirAsia (TAA) is breaking into the Bangkok-Siem Reap segment long dominated by Bangkok Airways in a move reflecting Cambodia’s new directive to open up its top destination for mass tourism. TAA secured permission from Cambodian authorities to launch a daily service starting on Oct ...
CPP’s political machine purring in Ratanakkiri
Welcome to CPP country. On the roads snaking up from Banlung through Ratanakkiri’s lush mountain passes up to O’Yadav district, samdechs peer down from billboards and farmers in dirt-streaked party shirts speed past on dilapidated motorbikes. It is perhaps a measure of how successful the ruling ...
Deposits and loans increase
Deposit and loans at major commercial banks have continued to climb over the first half of this year, industry officials say. Grant Knuckey, chief executive officer of ANZ Royal Bank, said yesterday that ANZ continues to see strong growth in trade finance led by the agricultural ...
អង្គការសង្គមស៊ីវិលបានរិះគន់ គណៈកម្មាធិការជាតិរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោត ឬ គ.ជ.ប ដោយលើកឡើងថា មិនបានយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ចំពោះពលករខ្មែរ ដែលខកខានក្នុងការបោះឆ្នោតជាតិជ្រើសតាំងតំណាងរាស្ត្រអាណត្តិទី៥។ លោក មឿន តុលា មន្ត្រីនៃមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលអប់រំច្បាប់សម្រាប់សហគមន៍បានថ្លែងថាបច្ចុប្បន្ន មានពលករប្រមាណ ...