Focusing on a good user experience

Companies and individuals need to do more than just create technology. They need to optimise the services and goods they provide, especially when introducing new concepts to developing markets such as Cambodia. That was the message from one presenter at last weekend’s T3CON12-ASIA conference in Phnom Penh. The conference focused on bring professionals and enthusiasts from the Web and mobile development fields together to exchange ideas about useability, publishing to different devices, website optimization, quality assurance, IT infrastructure management and business best practices. ... “Good design is how well something works. That applies not just to the products and services but to the interactions themselves – how enjoyable is it to interact with Cambodian businesses and government departments? It’s possible for Cambodia to be an economic leader in ASEAN if it focuses on making design one of its core strengths. It’s something none of the other ASEAN countries are particularly accomplished at.” Stankowski said keeping tabs on global technology trends is essential, and the government must move with the times as well. ...