Kratie families march in Phnom Penh to protest evictions

Nearly 200 villagers from Kratie province gathered in Phnom Penh Monday, hoping to deliver a petition to the Cambodian Senate and other government agencies in protest of a rubber company’s development there. The villagers, from Snoul district, say a Vietnamese rubber company began developing in the area in 2008, ultimately evicting some 400 families from their homes across more than 2,000 hectares of land. … Ngoun Vibol, a respresentative of the villagers, said they have been involved in a land dispute with the company, Boeun Peuk II, since 2008. Some families have been forced out of their home by soldiers, and some houses have been razed by security forces, he said. … Meanwhile, Khan Chamnan, deputy provincial governor of Kratie, told VOA Khmer he has tried to educate the villagers that they had occupied land illegally. The land is protected state land, he said, and the land concession has already been dealt with.

Suy Heimkhemra,