ODC staff trained on podcast production for social accountability

On 25 October 2023, ODC and Internews collaborated to deliver training on podcast production for social accountability under a project titled “Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC)“. The training was designed to build the capacity of the ODC team to produce high-quality podcasts that promote social accountability in Cambodia.

The training covered both theoretical and technical aspects of podcast production. In the morning session, participants learned about the concept of podcasting, different types of podcasts, and the basic structure and flow of a podcast episode. They also received tips on how to create engaging content that would appeal to their target audience.

In the afternoon session, participants learned about the technical aspects of podcast production, including how to use hardware and equipment, how to edit and host a podcast, and how to distribute a podcast to various platforms.

All ODC team participants were required to complete a pre-test and post-test to assess their learning outcomes. The results of the post-test showed that participants had made significant gains in their knowledge and skills in podcast production.

The training was a success, and ODC team participants are now equipped with the skills they need to produce high-quality podcasts that promote social accountability.