Facebook insights training

Open Development Cambodia regularly posts social accountability information on its website and shares relevant updates on this topic via social media. In particular, Facebook has high mobile usage and impact in Cambodia overall.

To strengthen ODC’s outreach for its work in the Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) project, its program partner Internews developed training to strengthen the ODC team’s understanding of metrics on its use of the internal tools of Facebook Insights, to analyze the platform’s reach, engagement, and overall impact. Local trainer At Sotheavy was commissioned to conduct an introductory training curriculum in Khmer language for seven members of the ODC team.

At the conclusion of the planned curriculum, the team and trainer reviewed a number of queries about the suite of tools. The ODC team had numerous questions about individual case-specific uses of Facebook Insights (such as outreach on local budgets), which continued for a further hour.

ODC’s staff will employ their learnings and new skills to observe and track its Facebook outreach for ISAC activities more closely, as it moves forward to continue sharing targeted and specific data outputs on its site. Further training in this area may be explored in the future.