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5865 Records found for "all one seo【telegram∶@dremf】TUTU"

Inside the criminal network ravaging Cambodia’s forests ― and the community fighting to save them

These illicit networks have had devastating ramifications in Cambodia, where rural poor and indigenous communities have relied on forested areas as a vital source of income for thousands of years. With one of the highest rates of tree cover loss in the world, the country saw nearly 2 million hectares, ...

Jesselyn Cook

Climate Change Poses Major Threat to Cambodia’s Rural Poor

The Cambodian economy faces major problems for its predominantly rural population in the event of more erratic climate shifts, according to the United Nations Development Programme’s 2011 Cambodian Human Development Report. “This is an agrarian economy that depends very much on weather. And we are among the ...



Mr. Ian RAMAGE is the founder and director of Angkor Research and Consulting. With a Master of Science degree in Psychology from the University of Wollongong, New South Wales, he previously worked as a psychologist in juvenile detention centers in Australia and, as a consultant, ...


[[“\u178f\u17bd\u17a2\u1784\u17d2\u1782″,”\u1787\u17c6\u1793\u17b6\u1789/\u1782\u17c4\u179b\u1794\u17c6\u178e\u1784″,”Website”,”\u17a0\u17d2\u179c\u17c1\u179f\u1794\u17bb\u1780″],[“Pact“,”Pact \u1795\u17d2\u178f\u17c4\u178f\u179b\u17be\u1780\u17b6\u179a\u1796\u1784\u17d2\u179a\u17b9\u1784\u1797\u17b6\u1796\u17a2\u1784\u17cb\u17a2\u17b6\u1785\u179a\u1794\u179f\u17cb\u179f\u17d2\u178f\u17d2\u179a\u17b8 \u1780\u17b6\u179a\u1785\u17d2\u1793\u17c3\u1794\u17d2\u179a\u178c\u17b7\u178f \u1793\u17b7\u1784\u1780\u17b6\u179a\u17a2\u1797\u17b7\u179c\u178c\u17d2\u178d\u179f\u1798\u178f\u17d2\u1790\u1797\u17b6\u1796\u1780\u17d2\u1793\u17bb\u1784\u179c\u17b7\u179f\u17d0\u1799\u1795\u17d2\u179f\u17c1\u1784\u17d7\u17d4″,””,”\u178f\u17c6\u178e\u200b\u1797\u17d2\u1787\u17b6\u1794\u17cb\u200b“],[“Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN)“,”Global Entrepreneurship Network 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International Non-government Organizations (INGOs)

[[“Actors”,”Expertise/purposes”,”Website”,”Facebook”],[“Pact“,”Pact focuses on women’s empowerment, innovation, and capacity development. “,””,”Link“],[“Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN)“,”GEN has the vision to build one global entrepreneurship ecosystem.”,””,”Link“],[“Oxfam in Cambodia“,”Oxfam in Cambodia is committed to building a just and sustainable society through reduced poverty and inequality. Together with Khmer Enterprise and ...


[[“Actors”,”Expertise/purposes”,”Website”,”Facebook”],[“Federation of Associations for Small and Medium Enterprises of Cambodia (FASMEC)“,”FASMEC is a nonprofit organization working to enhance SMEs’ promotion and development, and lobbying for a good business environment. FASMEC provides representation and protection of SME-related rights assured by Cambodian law. “,””,”Link“],[“Cambodia Chamber of ...

Press release on the bilateral meeting between NEC and Comfrel

On 20 December 2022, National Election Committee has posted a press release on the bilateral meeting between NEC and Comfrel on their official website. The meeting took place after Comfel requested the NEC to meet further to discuss the report on challenges and recommendations related ...

National Election Committee

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Mine-free status seen for K Chhnang in Dec as work barrels towards 2025 target

Accoording to senior minister Ly Thuch, Prime Minister Hun Sen has always regarded demining work as one of his core priorities and part of his mission of rescuing, restoring, building and developing the nation. Thuch also said that Kampong Chhnang province is a priority province and ...

Mom Kunthear

PM’s economic diplomacy brings dividends

In the one year of his rule, Prime Minister Hun Manet laid out policies for strengthening old friendships, launched new friendships and consolidated Cambodia’s position on the international stage, especially by streamlining its economic diplomacy. ...

Mom Kunthea

ADB and World Bank Help Upgrade External Audit

ADB and World Bank have organized the training Audit workshop on the theme: “Strengthening quality of external audits of ADB and World Bank Funded Projects,” at Phnom Penh Hotel on 29 August 2011 aiming at increasing the auditors’ capacity to establish a good reporting statement ...


A joint statement of environmental youth calls for a stronger commitment to combat climate change

On 07 June 2019, environmental organizations, associations, and youth issued a joint statement calling on the government, private sector, youth, and the public to engage actively in the fight against climate change through the environmental protection and reduction of carbon emission. In the statement, they ...

Cambodian Youth Network

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Outcomes of the working visit of Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Turkey

From 20-22 October 2018, Prime Minister Hun Sen, paid  a working visit to the Republic of Turkey at the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Turkey. During his stay in Istanbul, Mister Prime Minister paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Bainali Yildirim, ...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Hun Sen grants four economic land concessions

Prime Minister Hun Sen has signed off on four more economic land concessions (ELCs), all in protected areas, despite placing a moratorium on granting such leases on May 7. Since the May 7 sub-decree, the premier has now signed off on seven concessions totalling 56,586 hectares ...


Hun Sen Says CPP Largess Will End If Election is Lost

Less than five months from the national elections, Prime Minister Huns Sen yesterday warned the public that his ruling CPP party would stop making charitable donations towards infrastructure and national development if the party is not re-elected. Speaking at the inauguration of a Chinese-funded expansion of ...


Hun Sen Signed Off On Mfone Customers Deal With Mobitel

Prime Minister Hun Sen approved a decision in January to transfer hundreds of thousands of customers from bankrupt mobile phone operator Mfone to the country’s largest telecommunications firm, Mobitel, despite a court injunction preventing Mfone from offloading assets. According to the statement released yesterday by the ...


MobiTel, Smart Fight It Out Over Prices

With competition rife in Cambodia’s telecommunication market, two of the country’s largest mobile phone operators have engaged in a battle over prices and are at odds over the tactics being used to gain market share. On Friday, the Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC) ordered all mobile ...


Opposition Asks Donors to Stop Work With Government

Lawmakers from the opposition SRP and Human Rights Party who were expelled from Parliament earlier this month have called on the foreign diplomatic corps and international donors to stop signing agreements and conducting other business with the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen. In a letter ...


Cambodia’s Opposition Leader Runs Out of Options To Contest Polls

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy appears to have run out of options in his bid to contest in Cambodia’s national polls, as the country’s political parties prepared to wrap up their election campaign amid allegations by independent observers of “arrests, threats and intimidation” by the ruling ...


Parties Agree to Let UN Observe Election Investigation

The CPP and opposition CNRP agreed during a meeting at the National Assembly on Friday that the U.N. can observe an investigation into irregularities in last month’s national election, but continued to disagree that the National Election Committee (NEC) lead the investigation. After the two parties ...

The Cambodia Daily

Latest ELC plan draws scepticism

The government’s latest five-year strategy calls for a complete halt to economic land concessions (ELCs) and an inquiry into those still in the pipeline. But the plan has drawn scepticism from conservationists and rights groups, who pointed out that loopholes have been liberally applied after the ...

May Titthara

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