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1177 Announcements found for "세리에 A 순위 bbb7.top 아랍 에미리트 토트넘 경기 멜라네시아 슈퍼컵 izq"

U.S. and Korean Aid Agencies sign memorandum of understanding to support Cambodian education system

On August 12, the United StAtes Agency for InternAtionAl Development (USAID) And the KoreA InternAtionAl CooperAtion Agency (KOICA) signed A MemorAndum of UnderstAnding At the U.S. EmbAssy to provide InformAtion And CommunicAtions Technology (ICT) trAining to CAmbodiAn schoolchildren in support of the RoyAl Government of <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/u-s-And-koreAn-Aid-Agencies-sign-memorAndum-of-understAnding-to-support-cAmbodiAn-educAtion-system/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Embassy of the United States

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Second Mekong Climate Change Forum - adaptation to climate change in the transboundary context

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) will hold a three-day forum for government officials, academics, experts as well as representatives from river basin organisations, the Development Partners of the MRC, development agencies, civil society and the private sector to share and exchange their knowledge, experience and <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/second-mekong-climate-change-forum-adaptation-to-climate-change-in-the-transboundary-context/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Mekong River Commission

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Statement of the Associations send reply to the European Parliament again appealing to postpone the schedule withdrawal of EBA trade preferences

On 30 June 2020, the Garment Manufacturers association in Cambodia (GMaC), Cambodia Footwear association (CFa) and European Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia (EUROCHaM) issued a statement responding to a letter issued by the Chair of European Parliament’s International Trade Committee, Bernd Lange, on behalf of <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/statement-of-the-associations-send-reply-to-the-european-parliament-again-appealling-to-postpone-the-schedule-withdrawal-of-eba-trade-preferences/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC)

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Press release on the source identification of the first COVID-19 community transmission on 28 November

On 03 December 2020, the Ministry of Health issued a notice to the public that according to the information received by 11:45 pm, on 02 December 2020 and the scientific laboratory study of the Institut Pasteur Du Cambodge on COVID-19 virus community transmission in Cambodia <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/press-release-on-the-source-identification-of-the-first-covid-19-community-transmission-on-28-november/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Ministry of Health

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The allowances to workers in the garment and tourism sector who have suspended employment contracts in accordance with the spirit of the Royal Government's measures (65th)

On 04 August 2021, the Ministry of LAbor And VocAtionAl TrAining issued A notificAtion on the AllowAnces to workers in the gArment And tourism sector who hAve suspended employment contrActs in AccordAnce with the spirit of the RoyAl Government’s meAsures (65th).A totAl of 1497 workers <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/the-AllowAnces-to-workers-in-the-gArment-And-tourism-sector-who-hAve-suspended-employment-contrActs-in-AccordAnce-with-the-spirit-of-the-royAl-governments-meAsures-65th/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

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WWF: High-risk trade in wildlife threatens ecosystems and risks exposure to zoonotic diseases

On 10 July 2020, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has warned that snaring of animals has become a crisis that poses a serious risk to wildlife in Southeast asia and could spawn the transmission of zoonotic diseases to humans. an estimated 12.3 million snares threaten <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/wwf-high-risk-trade-in-wildlife-threatens-ecosystems-and-risks-exposure-to-zoonotic-diseases/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

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Announcement No.060 on the 15th day of registration of political party running for the national election 2018

On 14 May 2018, which is the last of the registration of political party and candidate list running for the national election 2018. The National Election Committee (NEC) has announced there have been a total of 20 political parties which are registered for the national <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/announcement-no-060-on-the-15th-day-of-registration-of-political-party-running-for-the-national-election-2018/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

National Election Committee

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Ministry of Interior allowing Equitable Cambodia to resume work

On 12 March 2018, the Ministry of Interior has released a letter No. 372 addressed to Equitable Cambodia’s executive director, Mr. Eang Vuthy, on allowing the Equitable Cambodia to resume its work after it has fulfilled obligations set by the ministry in the letter No. 1744, <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/ministry-of-interior-allowing-equitable-cambodia-to-resume-work/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Ministry of Interior

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Media invitation for workshop on “The Proposed Amendments to the Legal Framework Related to Election Management Body (EMB), Voter Registration, Electoral Dispute Resolution Mechanism (EDR), and Media Oversight Body during the Election Period”

The Election Reform AlliAnce (ERA) wAs the composed of 20 members orgAnizAtion of CSOs hAve invited the public to Attend A presentAtion workshop on “The Proposed Amendments to the LegAl FrAmework RelAted to Election MAnAgement Body (EMB), Voter RegistrAtion, ElectorAl Dispute Resolution MechAnism (EDR), And <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/mediA-invitAtion-for-workshop-on-the-proposed-Amendments-to-the-legAl-frAmework-relAted-to-election-mAnAgement-body-emb-voter-registrAtion-electorAl-dispute-resolution-mechAnism-edr-An/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

The Electoral Reform Alliance (ERA)

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USAID and NASA announce enhanced use of technology for development in the Lower Mekong

Today, the United States agency for International Development (USaID) and the U.S. National aeronautics and Space administration (NaSa) announced a five-year project that will promote the use of satellite imagery to help asia’s Lower Mekong region better predict and cope with floods and other natural disasters <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/usaid-and-nasa-announce-enhanced-use-of-technology-for-development-in-the-lower-mekong/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

U.S. Embassy

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Press release: Sweden and USAID fund to enhance Cambodia's labour dispute resolution services

On 27 February 2020, the arbitration Council has posted a press release on receiving the additional fund from Sweden and the United States agency for International Development (USaID) to enhance Cambodia’s labour dispute resolution services. according to the press, approximately 1.5 million USD has been <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/sweden-and-usaid-fund-to-enhance-cambodias-labour-dispute-resolution-services/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

The Arbitration Council

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Press release: telephone call between H.E. Mr. PRAK SOKHONN, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia and H.E. Mr. BUI THANH SON, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

On​ 09​ April​ 2021,​ the​ Ministry​ of​ Foreign​ AffAirs​ And​ InternAtionAl​ CooperAtion​ issued​ A​ press​ releAse​ on​ the​ telephone​ cAll​ between​ H.E.​ Mr.​ PRAK​ SOKHONN,​ Deputy​ Prime​ Minister,​ Minister​ of​ Foreign​ AffAirs​ And​ InternAtionAl​ CooperAtion​ of​ CAmbodiAAnd​ H.E.​ Mr.​ BUI​ THANH​ SON,​ Minister​ of​ <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/press-releAse-telephone-cAll-between-h-e-mr-prAk-sokhonn-deputy-prime-minister-minister-of-foreign-AffAirs-And-internAtionAl-cooperAtion-of-cAmbodiA-And-h-e-mr-bui-thAnh-son-minister-of-foreig/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry​ of​ Foreign​ Affairs​ and​ International​ Cooperation

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Statement of permanent mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the UN office and Geneva in general debate on agenda item 10 on the technical cooperation “right to reply to the delegation of Finland”

On 23 March 2021, the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the UN office and Geneva issued a statement in the general debate on agenda item 10 on the technical cooperation “right to reply to the delegation of Finland”. Cambodia ambassador and the <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/statement-of-permanent-mission-of-the-kingdom-of-cambodia-to-the-un-office-and-geneva-in-general-debate-on-agenda-item-10-on-the-technical-cooperation-right-to-reply-to-the-delegation-of-finl/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the UN office

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Launch of consultation process of the Draft Law on the organization and functioning of the national human rights commission of Cambodia

On 08 July 2021, Cambodian Human Rights Committee issued a press release on launching of consultation process of the draft law on the organization and functioning of the national human rights commission of Cambodia.The Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC), in collaboration with the office of <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/launch-of-consultation-process-of-the-draft-law-on-the-organization-and-functioning-of-the-national-human-rights-commission-of-cambodia/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Cambodian Human Rights Committee

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Cambodia’s progress in the field of human rights highlighted at the human rights council

On July 15 2021, Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations at Geneva issued a press release on Cambodia’s progress in the field of human rights highlighted at the human rights council. The Human Rights Council <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/cambodias-progress-in-the-field-of-human-rights-highlighted-at-the-human-rights-council/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations at Geneva

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Australia-Cambodia partnership for improved construction safety in Cambodia

On 16 September 2021, AustrAliAn EmbAssy in Phnom Penh issued A mediA releAse on AustrAliA-CAmbodiA pArtnership for improved construction sAfety in CAmbodiA. AmbAssAdor KAng met with His Excellency CheA SophArA, Deputy Prime Minister And Minister of LAnd MAnAgement, UrbAn PlAnning And Construction (MLMUPC) to discuss <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/AustrAliA-cAmbodiA-pArtnership-for-improved-construction-sAfety-in-cAmbodiA/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh

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Outcomes of the official visit of His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister PRAK Sokhonn, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Republic of Korea

On 09 September 2021, the Ministry of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion issued A press releAse on the outcomes of the officiAl visit of His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister PRAK Sokhonn, Minister of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion of the Kingdom of CAmbodiA to the <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/outcomes-of-the-officiAl-visit-of-his-excellency-deputy-prime-minister-prAk-sokhonn-minister-of-foreign-AffAirs-And-internAtionAl-cooperAtion-of-the-kingdom-of-cAmbodiA-to-the-republic-of-koreA/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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The Asian Vision Institute and the Ministry of Environment​ signed the MOU on the cooperation on environmental management and sustainable development.

On 27 October 2021, the AsiAn Vision Institute issued A press releAse on the AsiAn Vision Institute And the Ministry of Environment​ signed the MOU on the cooperAtion on environmentAl mAnAgement And sustAinAble development.The Ministry of Environment, represented by​ H.E. Dr VAnn MonyneAth, GenerAl SecretAriAt <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/the-AsiAn-vision-institute-And-the-ministry-of-environment%e2%80%8b-signed-the-mou-on-the-cooperAtion-on-environmentAl-mAnAgement-And-sustAinAble-development/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Asian Vision Institute

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Outcomes of the 1st ASEAN-Australia Summit, 27 October 2021, via Videoconference

On 27 October 2021, the Ministry of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion issued A press releAse on the outcomes of the 1st ASEAN-AustrAliA Summit, 27 October 2021, viA Videoconference.The leAders noted the substAntive Achievement mAde under ASEAN-AustrAliA diAlogue relAtions over the pAst yeArs And Acknowledged <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/outcomes-of-the-1st-AseAn-AustrAliA-summit-27-october-2021-viA-videoconference/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Opening of allowances (70th) under social protection program

On 11 October 2021, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training issued a notification on the opening of allowances (70th) under social protection program in Cambodia.The government will open the allowances (70th) under social protection program to a total of 1,465 workers in 21 factories <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/opening-of-allowances-70th-under-social-protection-program/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

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