Villagers Protest Demarcation of Kindergarten

More than 500 villagers protested at a kindergarten in Phnom Penh on Thursday after workers began constructing a brick wall through its grounds in order to demarcate the land for commercial sale. The villagers began to protest on Wednesday but were placated by local authorities, who assured them the situation would be resolved and a land title would be issued soon for the Tuol Tachan kindergarten school. “We protested again because the authorities promised to give the land title for the school today, but they did not keep their promise,” said Im Sophea, 45. “We are strongly op­posed to the sale or swap of this land because all of us want to keep this school for the young generations.” … When contacted Wednesday, Chea Cheat, director of the Phnom Penh municipal education department, denied that the land had been sold and said the district education authority had planned to build a village office there but that the land would now be given back to the school. …

Aun Pheap