Workshop on ODC website and information on access to public services in Kratie province
On 18 October 2017, the ODC team ended the week with an exciting workshop under a project theme of “Public Awareness of and Engagement in Government Service Delivery” funded by Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER), at Mekong Dolphin Hotel in Kratie province. We reached out to 22 community representatives from Dar, Thmey, Thma Andaeuk, and Kantuot communes of Chetr Borie district, and Ou Krieng commune of Sambour district in Kratie province with the help of Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) for providing contact information of the community representatives for a full-day workshop. Through this workshop, we aimed to promote the public awareness of ODC’s open data platform, a newly published profile on access to public services, and guide the community members and their representatives on how to utilize the website to their own needs.
With a fully packed day ahead, the participants first learnt the basics of internet safety, with tips and tricks given by Ms. HENG Huy Eng, our in-house tech expert, with accompanying eye-catching PowerPoint visuals. Armed with renewed knowledge of safe internet access, the participants were greeted with an array of snacks as refreshments for a quick break.

Ms. HENG Huy Eng, ODC IT and Website Director, leading a section on internet security.

The participants were very interested in internet security section.
After the break, it was time for the participants to get familiar with the ODC website. The team spread out, giving guidance to the participants when needed as Ms. OURN Vimoil, ODC Editor-Researcher, gave an overview of the website, highlighting profile pages relevant to them, such as Census, and Community Forestry.

Ms. Vimoil was presenting an overview of the website.
For the rest of the day, after a satisfying lunch at the hotel’s restaurant, ODC team organized a game that allowed the participants to pick up puzzles that contained questions then give answers in order to stimulate the spirit of all participants, as well as to recall what they had learned in the morning. The participants would receive a beautiful ODC T-shirt if they could answer correctly. The participants were introduced for the next action to seek for information such as civil registration, identification, electricity and water supply, and mapping of public schools, hospitals and health centers location from the profile page on access to public services, which conducted by our team, Mrs. Vatana and Mr. Punwath.

One of participants was reading a question to other participants before answering it.

Mr. Punwath was explaining about interactive maps to the participants.

Mr. Punwath was presenting the interactive maps on profile page of Access to Public Services to the participants.

Participants were looking at the interactive maps on accessing the public bus, presented by Mr. Punwath.
After a whole day of activities and learning, the team rounded up the session with reflections and feedback from the participants, who expressed their needs and wants, such as having more of such workshops, as well as the need to create networks with such relevant communities.

The participants were provided two-color-stickers to write down their comments and suggestions.

The orange stickers were comments and suggestions from the participants while the yellow stickers were what the participants had learned from the workshop.
The ODC team would like to thank our participants for their enthusiasm, as well as all the supporting parties that contributed to the success of this workshop in Kratie province. As part of the SPIDER program, we will organize more workshops in different parts of Cambodia, so keep a lookout for more of our events, and follow us on our website ( and social media (Facebook and Twitter) for updates on our work.