
ODC attracted local people in Mondulkiri to join a training on business and digital literacy

On 25 February 2024, Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) organized a comprehensive training session as part of the project “Strengthening Informal Economies and SMEs in Cambodia through Open Data and Digital Literacy,” funded by the Center of International Private Enterprise (CIPE). The training took place at the Cambodia Indigenous Friendship Association (CIFA) office in Bu Sra village, Bu Sra commune, Pechreada district, Mondulkiri province and attracted 13 indigenous people, including two females, engaged in informal economies within the agriculture, arts, and tourism sectors. It is notable that Mondulkiri is one of the four geographical locations for project implementation, and this marks the second training conducted following a successful training session in Phnom Penh on 22 December 2023. This initiative aims to increase awareness about the private sector, empower women and indigenous peoples to conduct business, promote educational resources related to business and laws regulating the private sector, and improve democracy through social inclusion, meaning offering spaces for them to engage and ...

Fieldwork on mining operation activities in selected communities

The Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) team conducted a seven-day field trip from December 06-12, 2023, focusing on mining activities around the Prey Lang area within four provinces: Kratie, Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Kampong Thom Province. During the trip, ODC held meetings with various ...

“Everyone deserves to stay connected and maximize the power of the internet” - My experience at the 7th Community Network Exchange Asia Pacific 2023

I recently had the opportunity to attend the 7th Community Network Exchange Asia Pacific 2023, a conference that brought together experts, practitioners, and advocates of community networks from across the region and beyond. The theme of the conference was “Connecting Indigenous and Mountain Communities”, and ...

SMEs and informal economies gathered together learning about business and digital

Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) hosted a full-day training session on December 22, 2023, in Phnom Penh, gathering Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and participants from informal economies, which a total of 28 individuals attended, including 16 females and one indigenous participant. This session was ...

Multilingual Education Students had a great time watching and learning from the Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages

After Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) successfully organized a launching workshop on “Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students” on October 27, 2023, at the Kampong Cham Provincial Department of Education, Youth, and Sport, the ODC team commenced on-site promotional activities on ...

ODC and ODM joined hands on data literacy training to boost evidence-based research and data-driven stories in Cambodia

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and Open Development Mekong (ODM) co-organized the first data literacy course on foreign investment for civil society organizations, journalists, and researchers in Cambodia. This training program aims to improve the skills, knowledge, and understanding of data and its value, as well ...

ODC contributed to the digital transformation in multilingual education

Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) collaborated with the Special Education Department (SED) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) to organize a launching workshop on “Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students” under the project “Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous ...

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) partner meeting with the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment

On 20 October 2023, the ODC team traveled to Utrecht City, the Netherlands, to engage in a crucial meeting with Dr. Arend Kolhoff, Technical Secretary of International Cooperation at the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment. ODC has been collaborating closely with the commission on providing ...

Our experience at the International Fundraising Congress 2023 in the Netherlands

We were initially introduced to the International Fundraising Congress (IFC) 2023 through one of Open Development Cambodia’s respected board members, who has a close affiliation with a speaker at the event. Described as the distinguished gathering for fundraising professionals, we promptly secured our registration for ...

ODC staff trained on podcast production for social accountability

On 25 October 2023, ODC and Internews collaborated to deliver training on podcast production for social accountability under a project titled “Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC)“. The training was designed to build the capacity of the ODC team to produce high-quality podcasts that ...

Advancing Internet Governance in Cambodia: Highlights from IGF 2023

The ODC team is excited to share highlights from the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2023, where Open Development Cambodia’s team members (ODC), and advisory committee members of the Youth Internet Governance Forum Cambodia 2023 were in attendance. This significant event took place at Kyoto International ...

Data visualization training in journalism

On 11 September 2023, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted an enriching training session titled “Data visualization in journalism,” attended by a group of 14 journalists (2 females) from various locations such as Phnom Penh, Kratie, Siem Reap, Battambang, Stung Treng, and Mondulkiri.With our “Data visualization ...

Cambodia’s special 18th sustainable development goal

As a part of the Global Week of Action to mobilize support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ODC’s team spread word on its website, social media, and in person, at the launch of Prayuters Library in Preah Vihear province.Observers may note that while many ...

Prayuters Library opening in Preah Vihear

On Saturday, September 16th, 2023, Open Development Cambodia Organization’s Open Development Library Initiative formally launched Prayuters Library in Preah Vihear province. Located in Hmor Seth Village, the Library is the culmination of five years of fundraising and planning and aims to promote reading, digital connectivity, ...

ODC’s insight from The Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy 2023

The Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy (APIGA 2023) was scheduled for five days from 24-28 July 2023 at Hotel President, Seoul, South Korea. The APIGA originally started in 2016 with an aim to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to participate in Internet policy-making ...

Charay indigenous community celebrates the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People in TangSe Mlue village

The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples is very important to all indigenous peoples worldwide to celebrate all together and respect that day to make it a meaningful holiday for indigenous peoples. The day can be a day to review indigenous rights and freedom ...

Basic of GIS and QGIS training 2023

Training workshop on the basics of Geography Information System (GIS) and the use of QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information System) was announced on the Open Development Cambodia (ODC)’s platform and social media on 13th July 2023 to call for the participants to attend the workshop on ...

Data literacy training to cluster members

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted data literacy training for Civil Society Support-Cluster members and their networks on 04th July 2023. The training course is designed to improve participants’ understanding of data, data standards, and interactive visualization. We also trained participants data visualization skills. This skill ...

ODC team's insights from UNHLPF 2023: Accelerating recovery and SDG implementation

The Open Development Cambodia (ODC) Team recently had the privilege of attending the United Nations High-Level Political Forum 2023 in New York City. This global event serves as a platform to discuss and accelerate the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic while emphasizing the full implementation ...

Cybersecurity training

On 04th July 2023, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted training on cybersecurity for the CSS-cluster members and their networks. The training course aims to raise awareness of the cluster member on cyber security as well as digital security including password management, safe internet browsing, email ...

Open Development Cambodia ran a workshop on "Digital Governance and E-Commerce Technology in Small-Midsized Enterprises (SMEs)"

A workshop on “Digital Governance and E-Commerce Technology in Small-Midsized Enterprises (SMEs)” was held on June 29, 2023, by Open Development Cambodia (ODC). 10 participants (four of which were women) representing various industries attended. The workshop’s main goals are to disseminate the research study’s findings ...

ICT4D Cambodia Network workshop

The increasing utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools has had a huge impact on the livelihood of Cambodian people in what is often called the “Industrial Revolution 4.0”. Recognizing the inevitable evolution toward digital change, the Cambodian government has been preparing to digitalize ...

Strategic environmental assessment in Mekong countries

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) was thrilled to host a panel discussion on “Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Mekong countries” at the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment: Resilience through impact assessment and Leadership on 10th May 2023 at Borneo Convention Centre ...

Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy: Democracy in Switzerland and the use of technology to improve citizen participation

2023 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy. Photo by Ricardo Rivera, taken on 05 April 2023. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.Open Development Cambodia’s team attended the 2022 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy in Lucerne, Switzerland. The Forum is world’s largest gathering devoted to participatory ...

ODC hosted a training program on “Data Literacy for Journalists” for Cambodian journalists

Open Development Cambodia (ODC), in collaboration with Internews, organized a training program on “Data Literacy for Journalists” that brought together 11 journalists, of whom 2 are female, from Cambodia’s capital and provinces. The training program is part of the Innovation for Social Accountability (ISAC) project ...

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