Aid and development
Cambodia denies allowing China's Taiwan to open representative office
Cambodia on Friday afternoon issued a statement to reject a news report that the country had given approval to China’s Taiwan to open a trade center in its territory. According to the statement posted on its website, the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
After rights review, groups press gov’t to act
Nearly a month after Cambodia’s second universal periodic review (UPR) of its human rights situation at the U.N. in Geneva, rights groups met in Phnom Penh on Thursday to discuss how they can work with the government to ensure that the 163 recommendations it accepted ...
Lauren Crothers
Cracks discovered in bridge
The Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MPWT) and the Phnom Penh municipality are preparing a ban on heavy trucks crossing the Cambodian-Japanese Friendship Bridge after cracks were discovered in a pillar on the bridge’s eastern end, a City Hall official confirmed yesterday. At a meeting ...
Sen David
Helicopter’s black box to be reviewed Friday
A joint committee of Cambodian and Chinese technical analysts will begin reviewing black box data today retrieved from the Chinese-built Z-9 helicopter that crashed early this week, killing four military personnel, officials said on Thursday. The Z-9 helicopter, which the government purchased from China last year ...
Khy Sovuthy
Cambodian FM hails China's development
Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hor Namhong on Wednesday praised China for its rapid development in all fields, particularly in the economic front. “China’s fast development, especially in the economic sector, is due to the right and wise leadership of the current Chinese government,” ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
Legal experts: Cambodia judicial laws of 'Deep concern'
International legal experts are expressing deep concern over proposed changes to Cambodia’s legal system that critics say hand over too much power to the executive. At a meeting in Phnom Penh Tuesday, a group recommended the three judicial reform laws should be returned to parliament ...
Robert Carmichael
UN rights expert appeals for calm amid violence in Cambodia
United Nations rights envoy for Cambodia Surya Subedi on Wednesday urged all sides to immediately exercise utmost calm and restraint in the wake of alarming reports of violence following opposition protests in Phnom Penh on Tuesday. “Democracy depends on respect, not violence,” he said in a ...
Shanghai Daily News Staff
Australians donate to school linked to sex abuse claims
Australians are among donors to a school charity in Cambodia where the director has been charged with arranging for foreign volunteers to sexually abuse teenage students. The scandal has focused new attention on the management of Cambodia’s orphanages and children’s charities and the deception used by ...
Lindsay Murdoch
RCAF helicopter crashes, killing 5
A ROYAL Cambodian Armed Forces helicopter, one of a group of Z-9 helicopters received from China in 2013, has crashed during a training exercise in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district, killing five people with one seriously injured. ...
Cheang Sokha
CPP official alleges embezzlement of roads budgets
A senior government official has accused authorities involved in the construction and repair of the nation’s roads of embezzling a significant portion of the money budgeted to them. Nhim Vanda, the first vice president of the National Committee for Disaster Management, on Wednesday added his voice ...
Phann Ana
Land concession woes aired
Village representatives in Ratanakkiri yesterday shared their land grievances with the European Union ambassador, requesting he relay to the government their appeal that no further 99-year land concessions be granted to private companies. Although the Post was not permitted to attend the full two-hour meeting, NGOs present at ...
Phak Seangly
US criticises SE Asia on rights
Lawmakers reviewed the “troubling” state of human rights in Southeast Asia Wednesday and criticised Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. But they reserved some of their toughest words for Myanmar, demanding an end to United States concessions to its quasi-civilian government. While no lawmakers mentioned Wednesday’s presidential ...
Bangkok Post News Staff
Companies regrow ‘forests’
More than 100,000 hectares of forest have been replanted across the country since 2008, according to a government report – but about 90 per cent of that amount can be chalked up to private plantations. Produced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the report, ...
May Titthara
EU gives park protection
A huge area of Ratanakkiri province’s Virachey National Park has been declared a protected area under a European Union-funded plan that government officials say will shift forest communities away from dependence on depleted forest byproducts. Chhay Samith, head of protected natural areas at the Ministry of ...
Phak Seangly
Italy millers slam ‘unfair’ EBA
Cambodia duty-free rice exports to the European Union have this week come under fresh attack from producers in Italy, who say the beneficial treatment is restricting the potential of Italian rice exports. An Italian agriculture collective of farmers, which includes representatives from the Italian Association of ...
Daniel de Carteret
FBI to assist ‘Crackdown’ on dissident, police say
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has agreed to Cambodia’s request for greater assistance as it attempts to “crack down” on U.S.-based dissidents, according to the National Police Commissariat website. A delegation led by National Police Chief Neth Savoeun returned Saturday from a three-day visit ...
Simon Henderson and Saing Soenthrith
Commerce minister, US Ambassador swap praise after trade trip
U.S. Ambassador William Todd and Commerce Minister Sun Chanthol praised each other for their dedication to the development of the Cambodian economy at a press conference in Phnom Penh on Monday, following a joint trade mission last month to the U.S. Mr. Todd and Mr. Chanthol, ...
Alex Willemyns
Online registration option to be rolled out to SMEs
The Ministry of Industry and Handicraft will introduce an online registration platform for Cambodia’s small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) this year, a ministry official confirmed yesterday. Heng Sok Kong, secretary of state at the ministry, said the new software for web registration was built in partnership ...
Annie Lee
Disability initiatives launched as jobs quota not met
For Cambodians with disabilities, the launch of two major initiatives in the past two days designed to improve their lives has brought some optimism about the future—tempered by a note of caution. At Koh Pich island on Thursday, in front of a crowd of more than ...
Holly Robertson
Urban planning needed: ADB
With a rapidly rising population exacerbating the country’s existing infrastructure, the Asia Development Bank (ADB) has highlighted in a new study the Cambodian government’s failure to install effective planning policies in its most densely populated urban centres. The ADB estimates that, driven by work opportunities and ...
Eddie Morton
More work needed at the tax dept, JICA says
The General Tax Department of Cambodia (GTD) needs to improve a number of administration processes to enhance revenue collection and make a greater contribution to the economy, a recent study released yesterday by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) reveals. According to data from GTD, Cambodia ...
Hor Kimsay
SMF defends funding cuts to partner NGO
The Somaly Mam Foundation (SMF) has said its decision to cut off funding to Agir Pour Les Femmes en Situation Precaire (Afesip) came partly because of the continued involvement of embattled anti-human-trafficking activist Somaly Mam in the local NGO. In a statement on Monday, the SMF ...
Chhay Channyda and Amelia Woodside
Cambodia, China drafting agreement to curb bride trafficking
Cambodia and China are drafting a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to stamp out the exploitative trade of Cambodian women to China, where there have been increasing reports of women being abused by their Chinese husbands and sold into the sex trade. The diplomatic push comes in ...
Kuch Naren
As lake disappears, a development dilemma
Looking out from his house, held up by three-meter stilts on a peninsula that juts into Boeng Tompun lake, Chan Sokhom can see the sand inching closer to him every day. Within a few years, the sand will likely reach his doorstep. By then, Mr. Sokhom ...
Cameron Rhoads and Sek Odom