Aid and development
Online registration option to be rolled out to SMEs
The Ministry of Industry and Handicraft will introduce an online registration platform for Cambodia’s small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) this year, a ministry official confirmed yesterday. Heng Sok Kong, secretary of state at the ministry, said the new software for web registration was built in partnership ...
Annie Lee
Disability initiatives launched as jobs quota not met
For Cambodians with disabilities, the launch of two major initiatives in the past two days designed to improve their lives has brought some optimism about the future—tempered by a note of caution. At Koh Pich island on Thursday, in front of a crowd of more than ...
Holly Robertson
Urban planning needed: ADB
With a rapidly rising population exacerbating the country’s existing infrastructure, the Asia Development Bank (ADB) has highlighted in a new study the Cambodian government’s failure to install effective planning policies in its most densely populated urban centres. The ADB estimates that, driven by work opportunities and ...
Eddie Morton
More work needed at the tax dept, JICA says
The General Tax Department of Cambodia (GTD) needs to improve a number of administration processes to enhance revenue collection and make a greater contribution to the economy, a recent study released yesterday by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) reveals. According to data from GTD, Cambodia ...
Hor Kimsay
SMF defends funding cuts to partner NGO
The Somaly Mam Foundation (SMF) has said its decision to cut off funding to Agir Pour Les Femmes en Situation Precaire (Afesip) came partly because of the continued involvement of embattled anti-human-trafficking activist Somaly Mam in the local NGO. In a statement on Monday, the SMF ...
Chhay Channyda and Amelia Woodside
Cambodia, China drafting agreement to curb bride trafficking
Cambodia and China are drafting a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to stamp out the exploitative trade of Cambodian women to China, where there have been increasing reports of women being abused by their Chinese husbands and sold into the sex trade. The diplomatic push comes in ...
Kuch Naren
As lake disappears, a development dilemma
Looking out from his house, held up by three-meter stilts on a peninsula that juts into Boeng Tompun lake, Chan Sokhom can see the sand inching closer to him every day. Within a few years, the sand will likely reach his doorstep. By then, Mr. Sokhom ...
Cameron Rhoads and Sek Odom
Japanese FM arrives in Cambodia, 143 mln USD aid deals to be signed
Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida arrived in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, on Sunday evening for a three-day official visit and will sign to provide more than 143 million U.S. dollars to Cambodia. ...
Global Post News Staff
Displaced communities ask EU to monitor funds
Residents of three displaced communities in Phnom Penh on Friday submitted a petition to the office of the European Union delegation, urging it to monitor funds it gives to the government. More than 50 protesters from the Boeng Kak, Borei Keila and Thmor Kol neighborhoods were met ...
Sek Odom
ILO launches fifth round of radio competition
The International Labor Organisation launched Friday the fifth round of a radio competition to promote understanding of the Cambodian labor law among garment workers. ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
ADB protest lands meeting, few results
About 60 residents from Phnom Penh and the provinces of Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Preah Sihanouk who lost land or are in danger of losing land due to a railroad development project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) protested outside its offices Thursday morning ...
Mech Dara
National Assembly passes five-year $26.6B spending plan
The single-party National Assembly on Thursday approved the 2014 to 2018 National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP), which will cost an estimated $26.58 billion to implement. An extradition agreement between Cambodia and Vietnam was also passed. Approved earlier this month by the Council of Ministers, it is ...
Hul Reaksmey
Gov’t rejects 4 human rights recommendations
Cambodia on Thursday rejected four recommendations for improving its human rights situation that it initially accepted earlier this year during its second universal periodic review at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva. It also “noted” 38 recommendations—meaning it has not committed to implementing them—some relating ...
Lauren Crothers
Climate change plan sparse on particulars
The Ministry of Environment yesterday shared its vision for a greener, less-carbon-emitting, climate-resilient Cambodia, but presented few detailed steps towards getting there, and even fewer financial particulars. The 10-year strategic initiative did not offer any further financial guidance. Though it identifies eight priority areas and ...
Laignee Barron and Mom Kunthear
Commerce minister vows ‘meaningful’ reforms to US investors
Cambodian Commerce Minister Sun Chanthol concluded a trade mission in the United States this week, emphasizing his government’s willingness to make “deep” reforms to improve its investment climate. Cambodia meanwhile needs more foreign investment to create jobs for the 300,000 young Cambodians who enter the ...
Sophat Soeung
UN rights envoy Surya Subedi concerned by barricading of Cambodia's Freedom Park
The UN human rights envoy to Cambodia says the space for democracy has shrunk following a bloody crackdown on protesters earlier this year. Months of anti-government protests boiled over in January this year, when police open fired on striking workers and opposition supporters. The next day, as ...
Tom Maddocks
Workers to spend US$49 to legally work in Thailand
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training ordered all recruitment agencies to charge only US$49 for each worker who wants to work legally in Thailand. The fee of US$49 included US$10 for worker card, US$4 for passport, US$15 for transportation, and food, and US$20 for labor ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
India’s rice dump may impact local exports
With the Indian government set to inject five million tonnes of rice in to its domestic market, Cambodia’s rice producers fear that any spillover into the global rice trade may impact local exports. David Van, acting secretary-general of a newly established Cambodia Rice Federation, said ...
May Kunmakara
Committee says gender gap threatens development goals
Cambodian women continue to be poorly represented in government following commune elections in May, the Committee to Promote Women in Politics said yesterday. This reality, the committee said, is endangering the Kingdom’s chances of meeting its UN Millennium Development Goals. ...
Vong Sokheng
Aid, Aeon on agenda for Japan
The Japanese government will offer more than $21 million in grant aid and loans to Cambodia when Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida visits later this month, according to a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the statement, Kishida will ink a number of ...
Cheang Sokha
Arbitration’s cost and value
The Arbitration Council Foundation, credited with helping resolve about 1,700 industrial disputes, has reached verbal agreement with a Swedish aid agency to receive funding until the end of 2016, a spokesman said yesterday. But members of the labour-dispute resolution body desire a more permanent solution that ...
Sean Teehan
UN visits evictees, site of $3.8B tourism project
About 50 families gathered under a timber roof here Sunday among muddy fields granted to them as compensation after China’s Union Development Group (UDG) began to turn their coastal homeland into a $3.8-billion tourist mecca. The families, who now live in timber houses dotting the barren ...
Mech Dara and Alex Willemyns
Ministry of Labor knights Australian industrial commissioner
The Arbitration Council says the Ministry of Labor has knighted an Australian industrial commissioner for his long period of work as an honorary advisor to the council. In a statement posted on its website Friday, the council said Labour and Vocational Training Minister Ith Samheng awarded ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
USAID nutrition project to benefit mothers and young children
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced Thursday its Integrated Nutrition, Hygiene, and Sanitation Program that will improve the lives of mothers and young children by teaching better nutrition and hygiene practices and increasing the use of latrines.The five-year, $16 million project will benefit ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff