Economy and commerce
Economic policy and administration
Notification : Conditions, forms, and procedures for registering self-employed individuals in the National Social Security Fund
On 15 January 2025, the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training issued a notice to the public on the registration of self-employed individuals implemented from 22 January 2025 onwards. According to Sub-Decree No. 289 dated 14 December 2024 on ...
National Social Security Fund
Press release on policy consultations on the economic and social report in Asia and Pacific region 2024
On 15 July 2024, National Committee for ESCAP issued a press release on policy consultations on the economic and social report in Asia and Pacific region, 2024. According to the press, Senior Minister Ly Thuch, Chairman of National Committee for ESCAP, presides over a policy ...
National Committee for ESCAP
Announcement on incentive mechanisms for voluntary business registration in the information and broadcasting sector
On 3 May 2024, Ministry of Commerce has decided to offer incentives for businesses registering voluntarily in the information and broadcasting sector. These incentives include a three-year exemption from public service duties for registered businesses and fine exemptions for businesses that have been operated but ...
Ministry of Commerce
Announcement on incentive mechanism for voluntary business registration of informal economies
On 21 November 2023, the Ministry of Commerce issued an announcement offering incentives to the informal economy that voluntarily registers their businesses. Registered informal economy entities will receive government support, including exemptions from compliance requirements and other penalties. ...
Ministry of Commerce
Press Release: Outcomes of the 19th Government-Private Sector Forum on November 13, 2023, by Council for the Development of Cambodia
On the morning of Monday, 13 November 2023, at the Peace Palace, the 19th Government-Private Sector Forum was held, presided over by Samdech Moha Bovorthipadi Hun Manet, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia. The forum gathered approximately 1,200 attendees, including His and Her ...
Council for the Development of Cambodia
Press release: Outcomes of the 19th Government-Private Sector Forum on 13 November 2023, by the Cambodia government spokesperson unit
On the morning of Monday, 13 November 2023, Samdech Moha Bovorthipadi Hun Manet, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, led the 19th Government-Private Sector Forum at the Peace Palace, Office of the Council of Ministers. The forum was attended by the management teams ...
Cambodia Government Spokesperson Unit
Press release on the official launch of e-business registration platform through single portal phase 3
On 22 June 2023, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has posted a press release on the official launch of the e-business registration platform through single portal phase 3 on their official social media site.According to the press release, the e-business registration platform is one ...
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Announcement on the removal of the CamDigiKey account requests submitted through the CamDigikey mobile application after “Return” to correct information for over 3 months
Techo Startup Center (TSC) would like to inform the public that: as of May 15, 2023, TSC has approved 22,656 user’s requests to create a CamDigiKey account (for individual users) submitted through the CamDigiKey mobile application, in which each request is approved (successful) within 8 ...
Techo Startup Center
The granting of E-commerce permit or license and conducted many workshops and trainings as well
On 15 September 2021, the Ministry of Commerce issued a press release on the granting of E-commerce permit or license and conducted many workshops and trainings as well.From the 1st of December 2021 hereafter, the businessman, sole proprietor, company or foreign branch, that has been ...
Ministry of Commerce
Meeting of the Public Financial Management Reform Commission
On 23 August 2021, the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued a press release on the meeting of the Public Financial Management Reform Commission on monitoring the progress of the implementation of the third phase of the Public Financial Management Reform Program Plus 2 for ...
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Announcement on issuing authorization to representatives or agents for business registration
On 5 July 2021, the Ministry of Commerce issued an announcement authorizing representatives or agents recognized by the ministry for business registration, whether in the form of a company or partnership. This option is available for businesses that prefer not to register themselves through the ...
Ministry of Commerce
Announcement on the launching of the Ministry of Commerce's online market to sell the essential foods and groceries to people living in the Red Zones
On 21 April 2021, the Ministry of Commerce released an announcement on the launching of the Ministry of Commerce’s online market to sell essential foods and groceries to people living in the red areas during the transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic. ...
Ministry of Commerce
Announcement on the encouragement to use electronic services
On 20 April 2021, the National Bank of Cambodia released an announcement on the encouragement to use electronic services aims to take efforts to prevent the serious spreading of COVID-19 in the community through reducing the usage of banknotes. ...
National Bank of Cambodia
Additional statement: An updated version of banking and financial institutions intervention measures for clients affected by COVID-19
On 12 April 2021, the Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC) and Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA) issued an additional statement on the updated version of banking and financial institutions intervention measures to further support and favor clients who are affected by COVID-19. ...
Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC) and Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA)
Joint statement on the outcome of the meeting on real estate issues in Cambodia
On 22 March 2021, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the National Bank of Cambodia issued a joint statement on the outcome of the meeting on real estate issues in Cambodia which aims to address the real estate sector challenges in the context of ...
Ministry of Economy and Finance & National Bank of Cambodia
Announcement on the payment of property tax on mobile phones via “GDT Taxpayer App”
On 11 March 2021, the General Department of Taxation released an announcement informing the payment of property tax on mobile phones via the “GDT Taxpayer App” which aims to ensure the efficiency and transparency of revenue collection management, as well as to make it easier, ...
General Department of Taxation
Announcement on the outcomes of the 2nd meeting of the SME Promotion Policy Committee
On 21 January 2021, the Office of the Council of Ministers issued an announcement on the outcomes of the 2nd meeting of the SME Promotion Policy Committee, wherein the government approved the definition of SMEs and the elimination of overlapping procedures between ministries and institutions. ...
Office of the Council of Ministers
Press release: New E-commerce grants, training set to boost cambodia’s small and medium enterprises
On 28 December 2020, the Ministry of Commerce issued a press release on new E-commerce grants and training set to boost Cambodia’s small and medium enterprises. So far, 125 small and medium enterprises are set to gain grants and training in online commerce through a ...
Ministry of Commerce
Press release on the RGC's instruction on additional measures to continue managing impacts on key sectors of the economy in the context of the crisis, restoring and stimulating Cambodia's economic growth after the COVID-19
On 23 December 2020, the Royal Government of Cambodia issued a press release informing the instruction on additional measures to continue managing impacts on key sectors of the economy in the context of the crisis, restoring and stimulating Cambodia’s economic growth after the COVID-19. This ...
Royal Government of Cambodia
Press release: Economic and social impact assessment of COVID-19 in Cambodia
On 08 October 2020, the UNDP Cambodia issued a press release of a policy brief that assesses the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in Cambodia. It was launched yesterday by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) through careful consultation with the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) ...
UN Development Programme Cambodia
Announcement on the outcome of the first round meeting of the Committee for Policy Action for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises
On 14 July 2020, Ministry of Economy and Finance has posted an announcement on its social media site about the outcome of the first round meeting of the Committee for Policy Action for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises. The meeting discussed and agreed ...
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Announcement of the Ministry of Economic on the revision and discussion meeting on the draft of Public Investment Management
On 03 March 2020, the Ministry of Economic has posted an announcement on its official Facebook page about the meeting of the ministry’s officers on the revision and discussion of the two drafts namely, the draft of the Sub-decree on the public investment management and ...
Ministry of Economic