ទំនិញ ការកែច្នៃ និងផលិតផលកសិកម្ម
Waste to Watt
In an outbuilding at Lok Sear’s rice milling operation in Kandal province, two four-meter-high cylindrical machines vibrate and hum as the occasional chicken and duck pecks near the concrete blocks holding them up. While they do both feature a thinck band of aluminium around their ...
China firm proposes $6.5bn deal
Chinese firms have huge ambitions for Cambodia, with a second firm this week proposing three projects worth an estimated US$6.5 billion to the National Assembly yesterday, but no deadlines were set for the implementation of the projects, according to officials. Pan Xiaoping, chairman of Ruijin Investment Holding Ltd, ...
Mekong villagers wary of Xayaburi dam
Fishermen bring their boats to shore, pack away their traps and hand over the day’s catch to their awaiting families on the banks of the Mekong River in Kratie province’s Chitra Borei district. “When my husband arrives home each day, we eat some of what he ...
Chinese firm plans investment in Cambodia
PHNOM PENH — China’s Hainan Ruijin Investment Holding Group planned to invest in rice plantation, cow farm and tourism development in Cambodia, the group’s chairman Pan Xiaoping said Wednesday. Pan said during a meeting with Heng Samrin, president of Cambodia’s National Assembly that his company decided ...
Senator Tries to Settle Court Case With Cash
CPP Senator Ly Yong Phat visited families embroiled in a long-standing land dispute with a Thai-owned sugar company on Monday in an attempt to convince them to drop their complaints against the firm at the court, villagers and officials said yesterday. The visit comes as pressure ...
Rice Production Down Due to Limited Rainfall, Report Says
After rising significantly in recent years, Cambodia’s rice production will fall this year because of a shortage of rain, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in a new report. In its second quarter Rice Market Monitor report for 2012 published on Monday, the FAO ...
Rock and a hard place
Sarorn Phi, 39, cautiously stops his moto 20 metres away from the large, signless boom gate blocking his path in Sesan district. He shuffles toward the security guard’s hut at the entrance to a sprawling Chinese rubber plantation and negotiates with the guard to enter ...
Chinese firm plans investment in Cambodia
PHNOM PENH — China’s Hainan Ruijin Investment Holding Group planned to invest in rice plantation, cow farm and tourism development in Cambodia, the group’s chairman Pan Xiaoping said Wednesday. Pan said during a meeting with Heng Samrin, president of Cambodia’s National Assembly that his company decided to establish an overseas branch office in Cambodia to focus on the threeprojects. Pan did not say when the projects will be started. Heng Samrin pledged full support for those projects, which he said will be good to boost thedevelopment of Cambodia’s economy. “Foreign investment is a key factor to accelerate economic development in Cambodia,” he said. ...
China giant looks to Kingdom
Shandong Shantui, a Chinese firm and one of the largest manufacturers of heavy construction machinery and largest producer of bulldozers has expressed an interest in investing in Cambodia’s agricultural sectors. General Manager Cheng Zhaohong met with Cambodia’s National Assembly President Heng Samrin yesterday morning to present the company’s ...
CEDAC pools capital to produce organic rice
Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC), a Cambodian agricultural organisation, will collect US$20 million from the Kingdom’s farmers through 2022 in an attempt to accumulate capital for organic rice production. Oun Sophal, president of CEDAC’s Farmer Network from Kampot province’s Dang Tong ...
Koh Kong king bowed out of 'blood sugar' firm
A sugar company originally part-owned by ruling party Senator Ly Yong Phat that has long fought villagers over a land dispute in Koh Kong province is now under the complete control of two foreign-owned companies, statements released by the firms last week reveal. The Mitr Pohl ...
Fish and rice, together at last
A new long-term project aims to boost fish stocks in rice fields. That was not a typo. For years, rice farmers in Cambodia have swept up fish – as well as frogs, snails and other aquatic fauna – that make their way from streams, canals and ...
Officials pitch invesment from Thais
Cambodia’s top economy builders are looking to bring back Thai investment that has departed the country since the onset of political clashes involving Preah Vihear temple in northern Cambodia. Officials at the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) yesterday hosted 30 delegates from the Thai ...
Koh Kong Land Dispute Case Delayed Again
The Koh Kong Provincial Court yesterday postponed the hearing of a controversial case against a Thai-owned sugar company that more than 200 families alleged had taken their land for the company’s sugar plantations, lawyers and village representatives said yesterday. Ny Sorphornneary, the lawyer for the families, ...
Viet Nam invests over VND110 billion in sugar planting in Cambodia
Sugar factories from Tay Ninh Province have spent over VND110 billion (US$5 million) to plant sugar cane in Cambodia’s Svay Rieng Province for the 2012-2013 crop, said the Tay Ninh People’s Committee. Vietnamese sugar producers have planted the crops in Cambodia as sugar cane in ...
Rubber price drops as exports increase
Rubber exports increased by more than 5 per cent in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2011 as the price decreased more than 28 per cent, according to data received from Cambodia’s Ministry of Commerce. The data shows that ...
Inflation Falls on Lower Gas, Food Prices
Consumer prices in Phnom Penh grew just 1.8 percent year-on-year in the month of June, the lowest increase in almost two years, as food and gas prices remained stable, according to figures released yesterday by the Ministry of Planning. In its monthly inflation report, the ministry ...
Cambodia's inflation slightly up to 3.8% in June
Cambodia’s consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.1 percent to 3.8 percent in June from 3.7 percent in May this year, according to the latest statistics of the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) on Wednesday. From May to June 2012, price for food increased by 0.9 ...
Court date set for Koh Kong farmers
More than six years after a sugar company bulldozed their farms in Koh Kong province, some 200 families who have held out ever since, arguing the action was illegal, will finally get their day in court on Thursday. 100 villagers will join them at the ...
Cambodia’s largest port reports US$14-M revenues, + 14% in 1st 5 months of Y 2012
Cambodia’s largest Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (SAP) Saturday reported that it earned the total revenues of about US$14-M in the 1st 5 months of this year, + 14 rise from US$12.3-M at the same period last year. Goods exported through the port are mostly garment products and ...
Farmers say officials displaced their jobs
About 20 families in Koh Kong province are accusing provincial authorities and military police of blocking them from farming on land that is part of a dispute with a Chinese development firm stretching back almost five years. The rice farms are in Botum Sakor district, which ...
Workers ditch factories for fields
At some point during the planting season this year, Pheap Srey Ngoun will leave her garment factory floor for a rice paddy in Cambodia’s Prey Veng province. Like many fellow garment workers she will leave her position, with permission from the factory, to lend a hand ...
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Cassava plantings decrease
Cassava plantings in Battambang province dropped more than 18 per cent in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2011, according to agriculture officials. The decease is a result of that previous year’s yield fetching a low price and farmers ...