China reaps concession windfalls

About half of the land concessions granted since 1994 are in the hands of Chinese companies, according to data released yesterday by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights. Ouch Leng, CCHR land reform project coordinator, said that from 1994 to 2012, the Cambodian government granted 4,615,745 ...

Myanmar’s economic promise no threat to investment here: experts

Myanmar’s moves toward economic and political reform would not subtract from Cambodia’s regular stream of foreign investment, experts and insiders said – at least not in the short run. Word of an investor-friendly Myanmar has spread quickly with the US’s partial waiver on trade sanctions in ...

Canadia subsidiary buys 15% stake in CVI

Diamond Island Development Co Ltd, owned by Canadia Bank, yesterday bought a 15 per cent stake in Investment and Development Company of Cambodia (IDCC)’s Cambodia-Vietnam Insurance Plc. The companies declined to give the value of the stake. Ngay Mengly, sales officer at Cambodia-Vietnam Insurance Plc, said ...

Hu's visit in Cambodia boosts ties

The upcoming visit of Chinese president Hu Jintao to Cambodia next week will build closer ties between the two countries, China and ASEAN as the visit is coincided with the 20th ASEAN Summit, said a senior official Sunday. The visit will also create more confidence among ...

Ford plant opens in Sihanoukville

A Ford assembly plant in Preah Sihanouk province will supply Cambodia’s limited but growing car market, the American carmaker’s local representative RMA Cambodia announced yesterday. The US$3 million investment, wholly owned by RMA, has a capacity of up to 6,000 vehicles per year, and is expected ...

23,000 Hectares of Land Concessions Approved

The government last month granted four companies a total 23,000 hectares of land concessions for agro-industry projects and a special economic zone (SEZ), according to human rights groups, which said it obtained the information from government documents. An additional 500 hectares inside a wildlife sanctuary were ...

Cambodia rejoins the world of stocks

Enthusiasm about the start of trading at the exchange, which opened last July without a single listed company, extends beyond the borders of the Southeast Asian country. Investors including Templeton Emerging Markets Group Chairman Mark Mobius said they plan to participate in Cambodia’s stock market ...

Governor Drew Gun, Not Blood, Prosecutor Says

The court prosecutor investigating last month’s shooting of three female factory workers at a special economic zone (SEZ) denied a newspaper report claiming the chief suspect, former Bavet City Governor Chhouk Bundith, had confessed to shooting the women. Svay Rieng Provincial Court prosecutor Hing Bunchea said ...

National Census Identifies Half-Million Businesses

Cambodia has a total of 505,134 businesses supported by a workforce of 1,676,263, just 11.56 percent of the total population, according to a nationwide economic census released yesterday by the Ministry of Planning. Of the total number of people employed in the country, 1,026,084, or 61.2 ...

Hul Reaksmey and Philip Heijmans, P.1

Battle Over CamKo City Now in Court

A South Korean government agency and Korean investors in CamKo City are locked in an ownership dispute at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court over the half-built residential development project in Russei Keo district, according to court documents obtained yesterday. Following the collapse of the Busan Savings ...

Victims of SEZ Shooting Demand $95,000

Two female garment workers who were shot last month during a protest at a Svay Rieng province special economic zone (SEZ) filed a complaint with the provincial court yesterday accusing former deputy Bavet City Governor Chhuk Bundith of attempted murder. Bun Chenda, 21, and Nuth Sokhorn, ...

China to continue helping Cambodia with infrastructure

China will continue to help Cambodia with its infrastructure and raise living standard of its people, said Pan Guangxue, Chinese ambassador to Cambodia here Monday. Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of Cambodia’s 57 national road Battambang-Pailing section in Battambang, Pan said “The completion of the road ...



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