IMF Says Cambodia’s Economic ‘Takeoff’ Not Yet Sustainable

Government action will be needed to ensure that nearly two decades of impressive economic growth continues in Cambodia, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in a report published Wednesday. In its 2013 World Economic Outlook, the IMF put Cambodia’s gross do­mestic product (GDP) growth for 2012 at 6.5 percent. While the IMF has a positive outlook on Cambodia’s economy, its growth figure falls below the government’s stated growth rate for last year of 7.3 percent, a figure with which the World Bank this week concurred. ... The IMF highlighted recent public-private partnerships in power generation and rural development—largely hydropower dams and irrigation canals built by Chinese companies using Chinese soft loans. And it said Cambodia’s open investment climate, com­bined with proximity to dynamic economies, had attracted new foreign investment. ...