កម្មករ៤នាក់ ទទួលរងរបួសដោយសារការបាក់អគាររោងចក្រនៅកម្ពុជា
កម្មកររោងចក្រកាត់ដេរនៅកម្ពុជាចំនួន៤នាក់ បានរងរបួស កាលពីថ្ងៃអង្គារ បន្ទាប់ពី ផ្នែកមួយចំនួននៃជាន់នៅក្នុងរោងចក្រកាត់ដេរមួយ បានដួលរលំចូលទៅក្នុងស្រះទឹកមួយ ដែលបានសាងសង់ឡើងនៅខាងក្រោម យោងតាមការអះអាង ...
បុគ្គលិកសារព័ត៌មាន Xinhuanet
ប.ស.ស ការពារសេចក្តីសម្រេចមិនផ្តល់ប្រាក់សោធនដល់គ្រួសារកម្មករស្លាប់
បេឡាជាតិរបបសន្តិសុខសង្គម (ប.ស.ស) បានការពារសេចក្តីសម្រេចរបស់ខ្លួន ចំពោះការមិនផ្តល់ប្រាក់សោធនទៅអ្នកនៅក្នុងបន្ទុកគ្រួសាររបស់កម្មការិនីម្នាក់ដែលស្លាប់នៅក្នុងការបាក់ពិដាននៅរោងចក្រ Wing Star Shoes ក្នុង ខេត្តកំពង់ស្ពឺ កាលពី ខែឧសភា ឆ្នាំមុន។ នៅថ្ងៃខួបនៃការបាក់ឡៅតឿនេះកាលពី ...
សែន ដាវិត និង មុំ គន្ធា
កម្មករបាក់អគារសង្កត់ស្លាប់មិនទាន់បានសំណងពី ប.ស.ស
១ ឆ្នាំចាប់ពីកម្មការិនី គឹម ដានី និងកម្មករ រឹម រឿន ត្រូវសង្កត់ស្លាប់ក្នុងការបាក់អគាររោងចក្រស្បែកជើង Wing Star ក្នុង ខេត្តកំពង់ស្ពឺ បេឡាជាតិរបបសន្តិសុខសង្គម (ប.ស.ស) ដែលមានថវិការាប់សិបលានដុល្លារមិនទាន់បានផ្តល់សំណងដល់គ្រួសារនេះ ក្រៅពីថ្លៃធ្វើបុណ្យសពឡើយ។ នៅពេលឡៅតឿដែលសាងសង់ខុសច្បាប់ ...
Shane Worrell
នគរបាលខេត្តកណ្តាលបានចាប់តំណាងសហជីពបីនាក់ទៀតកាលពីថ្ងៃសុក្រដោយសារមានការ ...
ម៉ិច ដារ៉ា
កាលពីថ្ងៃអង្គារ សាលាដំបូងខេត្តកំពង់ស្ពឺ បានចោទប្រកាន់តំណាងសហជីពប្រាំមួយនាក់ពីបទញុះញង់ ...
ម៉ិច ដារ៉ា
Anniversary marked by inaction
Six months after two of her co-workers were crushed to death when a storage level collapsed at the Wing Star Shoes factory in Kampong Speu, employee Yu Manith is noticing the cracks in a factory wall beginning to expand. Shortly after police rummaged through the ...
Shane Worrell and Mom Kunthear
Monitor, GMAC at odds over plan
The head of the Better Factories Cambodia (BFC) program said yesterday that consultations on its new public-disclosure initiative have been going on for more than a year, contrary to claims by a garment factory representative who characterised the process as hasty. Jill Tucker, chief technical adviser ...
Daniel de Carteret and May Kunmakara
Mum’s the word at yearly brand forum
Cambodia’s biggest international garment brands met yesterday to discuss wage issues, strikes and worker conditions, among other of the industry’s most pressing topics. But in a year marked by a fatal building collapse at the Wing Star Shoes factory in Kampong Speu, mass demonstrations, and bankruptcies ...
Sean Teehan
Managers Taught How to Spot Underage Labor
Staff at eight factories producing footwear for Japanese sportswear brand ASICS were trained Tuesday in how to make sure they are not employing child laborers, a company representative said. ASICS corporate staff have been in Cambodia this week in a bid to overcome the negative publicity ...
Garment Exports Booming Despite Concerns
Despite criticisms over safety, outbreaks of sometimes violent industrial action and a raise in the minimum wage that it was warned would scare off manufacturers, Cambodia’s garment sector is booming, according to government figures. A report on state newswire Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP) on Friday said ...
Map connects factories and buyers
In light of ongoing disputes over working conditions in the garment sector, the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights (CCHR) released yesterday details on hundreds of factories it believes will offer greater transparency along the garment supply chain – from producers to buyers – and shine ...
Corruption worse than in Bangladesh: NGO
In a country where corruption is as rife as it is in Cambodia, global brands must work with governments to ensure garment factories are safe and working conditions legal, international NGO Transparency International (TI) said yesterday. In Cambodia, where two workers were killed when a ceiling ...
Workers not underage, factory says
A Ying Dong Shoes representative yesterday denied claims his factory employs workers as young as 13 and shares an owner with Wing Star Shoes, where two died in a ceiling collapse on May 16. Chan Kosal, a representative of Ying Dong, a supplier to Asics, said ...
Underage, Overworked
Child labour is being used at a footwear factory owned by the same Taiwan-based company as Wing Star Shoes – where two workers were killed in a ceiling collapse this month – numerous employees have told the Post. A former Ying Dong employee said the ...
Factories Asked to Voluntarily Assess Safety
The Garment Manufactures Association of Cambodia (GMAC) and International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Better Factories Cambodia yesterday asked factory owners to voluntarily conduct structural audits on their buildings in light of building collapses at two garment factories that killed two people and injured 23. “In the ...
Fear Remains as Factory Reopens
More than 20 people fainted yesterday at the Wing Star Shoes factory in Kampong Speu province, where two workers were crushed to death in a ceiling collapse last Thursday. Workers and union officials said an electrical short-circuit scared workers returning for the first time since the ...
‘Take it or leave it’
The uncle of a man who died in Thursday’s ceiling collapse at the Wing Star Shoes factory in Kampong Speu province claimed yesterday that the company had threatened to give the family nothing if they did not agree to an on-the-spot payout. It came as a ...
ASICS Wants Monitoring Of Cambodian Sub-Contractors After Accident
The Japanese athletics brand ASICS said Friday that it would push its four Cambodian sub-contractors to join a programme that monitors conditions in garment and shoe factories. “We will strongly request to our sub-contractors in Cambodia to sign up to this programme,” Katsumi Funakoshi, ASICS ...