Southeast Asia Globe

Outpost Cambodia launches startup sponsorship competition

The co-working and co-living space Outpost Cambodia announced details of a startup competition today that will offer a winning company free 24/7 access to a desk for up to six people for six months in its workspace on Phnom Penh’s Chroy Changvar peninsula, four specialised consultations with ...

Euan Black

Why the West was doomed to fail in Cambodia

Backed by China, Prime Minister Hun Sen has entered 2018 triumphant from his decades-long struggle with the West – and set the stage for his succession. ...

Paul Millar

“The more we produce rice, the poorer and poorer we get”

For millennia, rice has been the backbone of Cambodia’s all-encompassing agricultural sector. But with global rice prices falling and neighbouring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam mobilising their vast resources and workforces to boost domestic production, experts say the crop that has underpinned the nation’s ...

Paul Millar

How Cambodia’s record deforestation is driving crippling drought

Massive deforestation is playing a crucial role in the droughts that have devastated Cambodia. But despite an official ban on timber exports, forests continue to be cut down at a record rate.The Cambodian government awarded between 30 and 40 logging concessions to private companies during ...

Euan Black

Cambodian parliament passes law that could destroy the opposition

Cambodia’s parliament today passed a controversial provision that severely curtails the power of the country’s opposition parties and effectively bans former opposition leader Sam Rainsy from returning to power.   ...

Logan Connor

Tourism forum to focus on ‘authentic’ Mekong experiences

This year’s theme will be “Authentic Experiences along the Mekong River.”  According to Jens Thraenhart, executive director of the MTCO, “Travellers want to be able to truly experience the country that they are visiting and come away with a true appreciation of the local experience. ...

Logan Connor

A man’s world

Straining under the weight of bricks, buckets and metal bars, a faceless army carry their loads from trucks to a massive building site on Penh Penh’s Diamond Island. Hidden beneath wide-brimmed hats and kramas masking their faces from dust and the sun, the battalion of ...

Frédéric Janssens

The canes of wrath

Satiating the demands of the global sugar industry is big business for Cambodia’s sugarcane plantations. Yet accusations of human rights abuses and land grabs in the Kingdom have left a bitter aftertaste for many on the ground as companies vie for a larger slice of ...

Monitoring for Nothing: Is the ILO’s ‘Better Factories’ programme failing the Kingdom’s garment workers?

The United Nations in Cambodia has taken a beating in recent months. The UN-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal has been plagued by high-profile resignations and accusations of political interference. Elsewhere human rights activists have criticised the UN’s failure to take a firm stance against an increasingly ...

Frédéric Janssens

Covering Cambodia

With the number of cars on Cambodia’s roads growing at a consistent pace, high-end automotive distributors are jockeying for a foothold in the market, but they are not the only ones who stand to benefit from Cambodia’s splurge on cars. Working on the sidelines, the ...

Sweet Prospects

The sugar palm is a national symbol for Cambodia. Harvested by the country’s poor for centuries, no part of the palm tree goes to waste in a process that fashions the tree into a range of products. The durable and strong leaves are weaved into ...

Hunters and Hunted

Unable to effectively police the Cardamoms alone, the Cambodian government partners itself with several international NGOs. The forests directly north of Highway 48 arc patrolled with the help of Wildlife Alliance. Beginning in 2002 with two ranger stations, Wildlife Alliance now operates six outposts in the ...

The Bottom Line

Clashes between garment workers and the local manufacturing industry came to a head in February when three women were shot while protesting for increased bonuses outside their workplace. It was almost five more months before manufacturers and governing bodies agreed to raise the earning potential ...

Caution: Work Ahead

Émile Coué was a French psychologist who introduced a method of self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion. “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better,” was his mantra. He died in 1926 and probably never visited Cambodia, but his spirit has been hovering over ...

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