
Ministries to Embark on Project With Microsoft

Technology giant Microsoft is expected to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Education as well as the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts to help build a free online Khmer-language database for users to translate documents between Khmer and other languages, a ...

Sek Odom

No consensus on next move in SL drama

After the management of an embattled garment factory this week refused to follow a government order to reinstate 19 dismissed union leaders and activists, unionists and observers are at a divergence of opinion over how the state should respond. “It’s fairly unprecedented,” Dave Welsh, country director ...

Sean Teehan and Mom Kunthear

Demining Rats Get All Clear to Begin Testing

The battle against landmines could soon have an unlikely new weapon after a pioneering Belgian NGO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the government on Monday to begin testing teams of sharp-sniffing rodents in Cambodia, with the goal of pitching them into the ongoing ...

Simon Henderson

Cambodian opposition urged to avoid violence in protest

Cambodian Tourism Minister Thong Khon on Tuesday urged the main opposition party to avoid violence when it holds a mass rally next month in the tourist destination of Siem Reap. “In democratic societies, demonstrations are common, but those protests must be nonviolent and in accordance with ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Labor Ministry Says Brands Hold Key to Wages

The minimum wage for garment factory workers can only be raised if international clothing brands sourcing from Cambodia pay more for their products, a Ministry of Labor official said Tuesday. Khieu Savuth, chief of the Ministry of Labor’s labor conflict commission, laid down the challenge a ...

Dene-Hern Chen and Aun Pheap

Ex-Environment Minister Says Deforestation Exaggerated

Former Environment Minister Mok Mareth on Tuesday accused the media of having “twisted the truth” in reporting on illegal logging in Ratanakkiri province, where rights groups and independent forestry monitors say the natural environment is being pillaged and ethnic minority communities impoverished by illegal loggers ...

Ben Woods and Aun Pheap

‘Millions’ to be made off energy efficiency

Against the backdrop of high electricity costs and energy imports, Cambodian businesses could save millions of dollars annually by implementing energy-efficient business practices, insiders said yesterday. “It is clear that energy efficiency has multiple benefits, not only to the tourism sector but also other economic sectors ...

Anne Renzenbrink

Switzerland provides 3 mln USD to Cambodia for mine clearance

Switzerland on Tuesday granted 3 million U.S. dollars to Cambodia through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for mine clearance. The agreement was inked between Rahel Boesch, director of Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation office in Cambodia, and Setsuko Yamazaki, director of UNDP office in Cambodia, ...

Business Ghana News Staff

Cambodian Unions Call for Doubling of Minimum Wage for Factory Workers

Four trade unions on Tuesday demanded that Cambodia’s garment and footwear manufacturers raise the minimum wage of their workers and provide them with additional benefits, threatening a nationwide strike and demonstrations if they do not comply. In a joint letter to the Van Sou Ieng, president ...

Radio free Asia

Factory rejects order to rehire 19 workers

Flouting a government order, representatives of SL Garment Processing (Cambodia) Ltd yesterday refused to rehire 19 union representatives and activists during a meeting with the Ministry of Labour. Rehiring the 19 has been the key sticking point in ending the three-month-old strike, which erupted into violence ...

Mom Kunthear and Sean Teehan



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