កាលពីម្សិលមិញ អ្នករត់ម៉ូតូឌុបនិងរ៉ឹម៉កម៉ូតូកង់បីប្រហែល១.០០០នាក់ បាននាំគ្នាតវ៉ាតាមផ្លូវក្នុងក្រុងសៀមរាបដើម្បីអំពាវនាវឲ្យមានការបញ្ចុះតម្លៃប្រេង និងការចេញបម្រាម ...
ម៉ិច ដារ៉ា
អភិបាលរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ៖ អជ្ញាធរនឹងមិនប្រើកំលាំងដើម្បីបង្ក្រាបក្រុមអ្នកតវ៉ា
អភិបាលរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ លោកប៉ា សុជាតិវង្សបាននិយាយថាអជ្ញាធរនឹងមិនប្រើប្រាស់កំលាំងដើម្បីបង្រ្កាបក្រុមអ្នកតវ៉ាទេ។ ...
បុគ្គលិកសារព័ត៌មាន The Cambodia Herald News
រលកនៃការតវ៉ាទាមទារនៅកម្ពុជាបានផ្ទុះឡើងដោយឡែកៗពីគ្នា ស្ទើរគ្រប់មជ្ឈដ្ឋាននៅ ពេលនេះ ស្របពេលដែលគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិបង្កើនការតវ៉ាកាន់តែខ្លាំងឡើងៗដើម្បីទាមទារបោះឆ្នោតឡើងវិញ។ កាលពីថ្ងៃម្សិលមិញ ចលនាតវ៉ាមួយទៀតបានផ្ទុះឡើង នោះគឺ ...
ហ៊ គីមសាយ
លោក សូណង់ដូ ផ្អាកការតវ៉ា ខណៈសហគមន៍ បឹងកក់-បុរីកីឡា ធ្វើការតវ៉ា
លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ ប្រធានវិទ្យុសំបុកឃ្មុំ កាលពីម្សិលមិញបានលុបចោលភ្លាមៗ នូវគម្រោងធ្វើបាតុកម្មទាមទារឲ្យក្រសួង ព័ត៌មាន ដំឡើងកម្លាំង ផ្សាយវិទ្យុនេះ និងការសុំផ្តល់កាណាល់ផ្សាយទូរទស្សន៍មួយ បន្ទាប់ពីសាលារាជធានីភ្នំពេញច្រានចោលការជូនដំណឹងពីការធ្វើបាតុកម្មនេះ។ លោក សូណង់ដូ បានថ្លែងថា៖ «សាលារាជធានីភ្នំពេញបាន ...
ឃុត សុភចរិយា
សមាគម GMAC៖ រោងចក្របិទទ្វាររហូតទាល់តែមានការធានាសុវត្ថិភាពរោងចក្រនិងបុគ្គលិក
សមាគមរោងចក្រកាត់ដេរ និងស្បែកជើងកម្ពុជា (GMAC) បានឲ្យដឹងកាលពីម្សិលមិញថា រោងចក្រកាត់ដេរជាង ៤០០ នៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា នឹងនៅតែបិទទា្វររហូតទាល់តែរដ្ឋាភិបាលនិង សហជីពដែលធ្វើកូដកម្មអាចធានាសុវត្ថិភាពរបស់រោងចក្រទាំងនេះ ព្រមទាំងកម្មករទាំងអស់ដែលចង់ធ្វើការ។ ...
អូន ភាព
Call for More Women Representatives in Sub-National Politics
As Cambodia nears its second district and municipal council elections in May, about 200 women councilors from the sub-national level attended a workshop Friday to call for political parties to increase the number of women candidates in the upcoming election. Currently, 12 percent of councilors at ...
Kuch Naren
ប្រទះឃើញឈើប្រណីតជាង ៦០ ម៉ែត្រគុបគ្មានអាជ្ញាធរចុះបង្ក្រាប
ឈើប្រណីតជាង ៦០ ម៉ែត្រគុបតម្លៃរាប់ម៉ឺនដុល្លារត្រូវបានក្រុមអ្នកកាសែតប្រទះឃើញនៅនឹងប៉ុស្តិ៍នគរបាលក្នុងស្រុក សង្គមថ្មី ខេត្ត ព្រះវិហារ កាលពីថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ ខណៈដែលពួកឈ្មួញកំពុងដឹកឈើទំាងនោះចេញទៅលក់នៅប្រទេស វៀតណាម ដោយគ្មានការទប់ស្កាត់ពីអាជ្ញាធរ និងមន្រ្តី ...
ផាក់ ស៊ាងលី
អង្គភាពប្រឆាំងអំពើពុករលួយកម្ពុជាបានធ្វើការរិះគន់អង្គការមូលនិធិសកលប្រយុទ្ធនឹងជំងឺអេដស៏ របេង និងគ្រុនចាញ់សំរាប់ការមិនបញ្ជូនអោយពួកគេនូវភស្តុតាងនៃការស៊ើបអង្កេតដោយអង្គការនេះលើអំពើពុករលួយដ៏ធំក្នុងជំនួយផ្នែកសុខាភិបាល។ ...
ម៉ម គន្ធានិង Daniel Pye
អង្គការសង្គមស៊ីវិល កាលពីម្សិលមិញបានចុះធ្វើការស្រង់ស្ថិតិពលរដ្ឋដែលមានជម្លោះដីធ្លី ជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុនចិន យូញៀន ឌីវេឡុបមិន គ្រុប ប៉ុន្តែត្រូវសន្តិសុខក្រុមហ៊ុន បដិសេធមិនឲ្យចូលក្នុងបរិវេណដីទំនាស់នោះ។ ...
ឆាយ ច័ន្ទនីដា
(English) Cambodia’s Deportation of Uighurs to China Remembered
Four years after the forcible deportation of 20 Uighur asylum seekers from Cambodia to China, an advocacy group has said it remains “deeply concerned” about their fate and has called on China to lift a veil of secrecy surrounding their treatment. In a statement, the World ...
Lauren Crothers
NGO alleges bribery over titles
An environmental protection NGO is preparing to file a lawsuit with the Kampong Speu provincial court and a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Unit against an Agriculture Department official who was allegedly paid by a development firm to issue land titles to villagers squatting on state ...
Phak Seangly
Slipping through the cracks
US national Daniel Stephen Johnson was transferred to Prey Sar prison yesterday after being charged on Saturday over the alleged rape of five underage boys – residents of the orphanage he ran without interference from authorities for several months. According to Phnom Penh Municipal Court prosecutor ...
Stuart White and Buth Reaksmey Kongkea
High school meth use up: UN
High school students are increasingly using methamphetamines and other stimulants to relax or help them study, according to the UN. A spike in trafficking of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) across the borders with Thailand and Laos over the past two years has gone hand-in-hand with a rise ...
Daniel Pye and Mom Kunthear
Factory Owners Slam Government Over Handling of Strikes
Members of the Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia (GMAC) said during a conference Sunday that they are “fed up” with the government for not controlling strikes by labor unions. “All of us have the same issue: illegal strikes,” Van Porphin, a member of GMAC’s executive committee, ...
Colin Meyn and Aun Pheap
Monks and Cash Rewards Save Softshell Turtles
SAMBOR DISTRICT, Kratie Province – A sharply dressed usher in a crisp black shirt, black pants and a shiny black tie escorted guests to one of several bungalow-style, private booths at the Mloub Dong restaurant on a recent evening. While the privacy the restaurant offers is ...
Khy Sovuthy and Denise Hruby
School resources for disabled scarce
Kimseang spent much of his childhood enduring harassment and verbal abuse, with teachers and other children dismissing him because of a visual and physical impairment. While the kingdom has seen overall access to education improve from a 69 per cent net enrollment rate in 1991 ...
Laignee Barron
Debate on land reform takes place in absence of the CPP
Civil society groups held a workshop in Phnom Penh on Thursday in which government officials and lawmakers were invited to discuss post-election land grabs and land-based conflict, although the ruling CPP failed to turn up to the event. Though incidents of land-grabbing appeared to decrease ahead ...
Khuon Narim
Small-scale protests continue
A day after authorities carted away 11 protesters intending to camp out in front of the United States embassy, a similarly ad hoc group of citizens struggled to deliver petitions to three embassies in the capital yesterday. The group of about 50 were blocked by police ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Sean Teehan
Ethics Awards for Much Maligned Media
The first ever Annual Journalism Ethics Awards ceremony was held Wednesday in Phnom Penh, which conferred a total of 19 awards on five national newspapers and eight national television stations in recognition of their adherence to ethical journalism. The newspapers garnering awards in categories including balance ...
Phorn Bopha and Simon Henderson
Man fronts court over Pheap row
A man facing defamation charges was questioned in Kandal Provincial Court yesterday following his comments in a report that alleged tycoon Try Pheap was illegally logging. San Sen was quoted in a Cambodian Human Rights Task Force (CHRTF) report last month that implicated the tycoon in ...
May Titthara
Undercover underused: NGO
Cambodia hopes to legalise undercover investigative techniques – like covert surveillance and officers posing as criminals, which until now have fallen into a murky legal grey area – by next year. At a workshop in the capital yesterday, law enforcement officials and representatives of human rights ...
Laignee Barron and Sen David
Villagers Ask Chinese Embassy to Intervene Against Dam Investors
Communities threatened by the planned construction of three hydropower dams in Stung Treng and Ratanakkiri provinces will today submit to the Chinese Embassy a petition demanding that the embassy intervene against Chinese companies investing in the dams. The petition, to be presented in Chinese, Khmer and ...
Kuch Naren
Can’t see the forest …
The percentage of Cambodia covered in forest has fallen from about 72 per cent in 1973 to only about 46 per cent in 2013, satellite image data released yesterday shows. A series of animated maps that Open Development Cambodia (ODC) produced from NASA satellite images detail ...
Shane Worrell
Groups insist on equal rights
Seila, a tall, heavily made-up woman with orange-blonde hair, said she was in a park in Siem Reap last year when policemen approached her, put a gun to her head and told her if she ran, they would shoot. Legally, the Kingdom’s Constitution protects the ...
Laignee Barron