
Open data, open hearts

30th June marked the end of my internship with Open Development CambodiaWelcome to ODC!In these two months, I was involved in the Elections project, which is timely designed in view of the commune election in June and the national election in July 2018. After a fruitful discussion with Mr Chandara, my supervisor, on my first day of work, we agreed on the following as my job scope: 1) Review the current ‘elections’ landing page and propose suggestions to improve on data visualization; 2) Research and develop content for new sub-pages on political parties and figures on the ODC website; 3) Design page templates for the new sub-pages.Imagine my excitement as a Political Science major! In the previous semester, I have just taken a module in school on political parties and elections where I learnt about the different party types and electoral systems. Interning for ODC thus gave me a valuable opportunity to put what I’ve learnt in theory to practice. Despite ...

ODC participated in Barcamp Kompot

BarCamp Kampot 2017 took place on June 17-18, at the Reginal Polytechnic Institute Techo Sen Kampot “RPITSK”, in Kompot province. The two-day event had around 200 students in attendance, with an impressive line-up of speakers covering topics such as starting a business and ICT development. ...

Workshop on ODC website and information on access to public services in Siem Reap

Last week, the ODC team ended the week with an exciting workshop under a project theme of “Public Awareness of and Engagement in Government Service Delivery” funded by Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER), at Angkor Hotel Siem Reap, just a short tuk-tuk ...

ICT for Development

Under support of Sida, on 23rd November 2014, Urban Voice Cambodia and the Cambodian Youth Network jointly hosted “Youth Workshop on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Development” at the workshop hall of the LYLA Center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. During that occasion, ODC Executive ...

Briefing on Investment Law is now available online!

Briefing on Investment Law (Khmer)Briefing on Investment Law (English)Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has just released a new briefing page, in both Khmer and English languages, on Cambodian Investment Law which it mainly provides the insight of Cambodia’s legal framework on investment sector. (Please visit: ...

ODC Meets Open Knowledge Festival 2014

ODC Design Team Leader, Huy Eng, was supported by the OKFestival Foundation to attend the Open Knowledge Festival 2014, which took place July 15–17 2014 in Berlin, Germany. The event was held at the Kulturbrauerei, an aesthetically beautiful piece of architecture originally built and operated ...

ODC Team at BarCamp Kampong Cham

ODC Team is doing a presentation on the use of ICT in research and education to the participantsOn 19 July 2014, ODC presented at BarCamp Kampong Cham on the use of ICT in research and education and how they may find inspiring research topics on ...

Presenting ODC at Nokor Phnom Community Empowerment Organization (NPCEO)

ODC Executive Director Thy Try introducing ODC to Nokor Phnom Community Empowerment Organization (NPCEO)On 18 July 2014, ODC Executive Director, Thy Try, got an opportunity to introduce ODC website to Nokor Phnom Community Empowerment Organization (NPCEO), a local NGO in Kampong Cham province. He showed ...

Reflections from Eight Months with the ODC Library

Author: Greg Bem, ODC Library and Information Management SpecialistThe time has come to reflect on my experience working with ODC. As the library specialist, I have seen quite a bit of activity since I arrived last September. From releasing updated pages in Khmer, to unleashing ...

ODC's Hackathon on Map

Discussing on the conduct of the hackathon on mapOn 3 June 2014, ODC conducted a hackathon on map with GIS and mapping experts from various organizations and academics. This collaborative workshop was created to (1) update the Forest Cover, including improving analysis, (2) identify rubber ...

ODC at Consultative Meeting on the Draft of Cybercrime Law

Opening session of the consultative meeting on the draft of Cybercrime LawOn 5 June 2014, ODC Executive Director Thy Try participated in the consultative meeting on the draft of Cybercrime Law. The objectives of the event are to (1) share the consolidate analysis and key findings ...

ODC Participated in a Lawyer Group Meeting

ODC team joined a Law Group Meeting.ODC team joined a Law Group Meeting.On May 30, 2014, ODC team joined a Lawyer Group Meeting. In this meeting, ODC showed the attendees the ODC Laws & Regulations page and asked for suggestions and comments from the lawyers ...

ODC’s Focus Group Discussion on Khmer Site

ODC Executive Director was discussing ODC Khmer site with 12 participants.On May 30, 2014, ODC conducted a focus group discussion on ODC Khmer site. The objectives were to (1) present ODC Khmer site by exploring ODC’s data organization and website structure including illustration on how ...

PPMM #25: Waterborne Diseases, Climate, Global Land Indicator Initiative

After a long break, the Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup is back! We now have a more expanded organizing committee to help recruit presenters and we’re looking forward to a more engaging PPMM series. Should you be interested in following up with the matter, you’re invited to ...

ODC invited to speak at the Open Government Partnership Asia Pacific Regional Conference!

Mr. Thy Try at the Open Government Partnership Asia Pacific Regional ConferenceOn April 14 2014, Open Development Cambodia received a written letter from the President of the Delivery Unit within the Indonesian government, inviting ODC to speak at the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Asia Pacific Regional ...

Open Data Handbook Translate-a-thon

Photo Credit: Emanuel Feld (CC BY-SA) A dozen young Cambodians and expatriates gathered in a ground floor meeting space off of Wat Bottum Park in the morning of April 20, 2014. After a round of introductions and snacks, laptops were opened and participants began the task of translating the ...

Introducing ODC website in CRRT meeting

Cambodians for Resource Revenue TransparencyOn April 03, 2014, Mr. Thy Try, ODC Executive Director and Ms Pich Ratana, ODC Editor – Researcher, were invited to deliver a presentation at Cambodians for Resource Revenue Transparency (CRRT). This meeting was organized by CRRT aiming to present on ...

ODC's IT Team at BarCamp AngkorODC's IT Team at BarCamp Angkor

BarCamp AngkorOn March 22, 2014, ODC coders, Sreng Saren and Heng Chamroeun, grabbed an opportunity to participate and share their knowledge at BarCamp Angkor. BarCamp is a platform where professionals, investors, innovators and students connect, discuss and share knowledge related to technological development. The event ...

PPMM#24: Introducing Two Free GPS Apps, Photo Maps and My Track for Android Phones

Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup 24 (PPMM#24)You are invited to Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup 24 (PPMM#24).PPMM#24 is going to be held on February 28, 2012 which there will be a speaker from Open Development Cambodia (ODC), Senior Mapper Mean Naro. He will deliver a presentation on Introducing ...

Introducing ODC Website in the 23rd National Level EISEI Network Meeting

Pich Ratana, ODC Editor – Researcher, showing the mining databaseOn February 20, 2014, Mr. Thy Try, ODC Executive Director and Ms Pich Ratana, ODC Editor – Researcher, were invited to deliver a presentation in the 23rd National Level Extractive Industry Social and Environmental Impact Network ...

ODC Participated in BarCamp Kampot

ODC Editor Vongseng presenting ODC siteStudents attending ODC session         On February 15th, ODC Executive Director Thy Try and Editor Ly Vongseng, participated in BarCamp Kampot. As with previous BarCamp events, the conference in Kampot featured a host of presentations by IT professionals, businesses, NGOs and students ...

PPMM #23: Atlas of Cambodia 2013, Hazard Mapping, GQIS 2.2

Hello folks: We hope the new year is treating you well and that 2014 is filled with exciting projects, opportunities for learning, and peace. Due to last month’s holiday festivities, we cancelled a meet-up. We started 2014 with our 23rd and are looking forward to ...

Introducing Columbia SIPA Team -- Donors & Development Assistance (DDA) Project

Introducing Columbia SIPA Team — Donors & Development Assistance (DDA) ProjectWe’re proud to introduce you to our new partner: Columbia University – School of International and Public Affairs. A team of six mutli-talented and multicultural graduate students from the Workshop in Development Practice (a course) ...

Start Your 2014 With Big Data Workshop

For those who has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and is passionate about big data and data visualization, here's an exciting learning opportunity for you: Visualizing Open Data to Bring Out Global Issues by Margo & Alex, supporting by Transparency International Cambodia on Monday, January ...

Happy Holidays!

Whatever you are celebrating in this festive month – whether Winter Solstice, Pancha Ganapati, Hanukkah, Christmas, Dongzhi Festival, New Year’s Eve, or quality time with loved ones – we hope you enjoy peace, gratitude and happiness. Happy holidays! From the management and staff of Open ...

Contact us

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Do you have questions on the content published by Open Development Cambodia (ODC)? We will gladly help you.

Have you found a technical problem or issue on the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) website?

Tell us how we're doing.

Do you have resources that could help expand the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) website? We will review any map data, laws, articles, and documents that we do not yet have and see if we can implement them into our site. Please make sure the resources are in the public domain or fall under a Creative Commons license.

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Disclaimer: Open Development Cambodia (ODC) will thoroughly review all submitted resources for integrity and relevancy before the resources are hosted. All hosted resources will be in the public domain, or licensed under Creative Commons. We thank you for your support.

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