

រដ្ឋា​ភិ​បាល​កម្ពុជា បាន​​​ក្រើន​រំ​ឭក​​​ដល់​​ប្រ​តិ​បត្តិ​ករ​ទូរ​គ​មនា​គមន៍​ដែល​នៅ​ជំ​ពាក់​បំ​ណុល​រដ្ឋ​ឲ្យ​ចូល​ខ្លួន​​មក​ទូ​ទាត់​បំ​ណុល​​​ ឲ្យ​បាន​មុន​ដំ​ណាច់​ខែ ...

ហ៊ គីមសាយ


បើ​យោង​តាម​សាលា​រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ​ ប្រទេស​ជប៉ុន​នឹង​បរិច្ចាគ​ឡានក្រុង​ច្រើន​ជាង​១០០​គ្រឿង​មក​អោយ​រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល​កម្ពុជា​ក្នុង​រយៈពេល​ពីរ​ឆ្នាំ​នេះ​។​ ​បើ​យោង​តាម​អ្នកនាំពាក្យ​សាលា​រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ​បានអោយ​ដឹង​ថា​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​ជប៉ុន​បាន​កំពុង​បរិច្ចាគ​រថយន្ត​ចំនួន​១៤០​គ្រឿង ...

មុំ គន្ធា


អស់​រយៈពេល​ជិត​បួន​ឆ្នាំ​ចាប់តាំងពី​មហាសន្និបាត​ បាន​ប្រកាស​ថា​ទឹក​ គឺជា​សិទ្ធិ​មនុស្ស​ មាន​ន័យ​ថា​មនុស្ស​គ្រប់​រូប​គួរតែ​មាន​លទ្ធភាព​ទទួល​បាន​ទឹក​ស្អាត​មាន​សុវត្ថិភាព​ និង​អនាម័យ​ជា​មូលដ្ឋាន​។​ នៅ​ក្នុង​ពិធី​ប្រារព្ធ​ទិវា​ទឹក​ពិភពលោក​ អង្គការ​យូ​នី​សែ ...


Workers paid out on doorstop of election

A month-long battle to secure back pay waged by 750 garment workers has ended only days before the national election – with the government footing the bill. The $450,000 payout to the Pine Great (Cambodia) factory workers – whose factory owner skipped town in April – ...


Timing of stats questioned

For the first time in recent memory, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has released growth projections for the first half of the year, and the numbers are good. The ministry’s preliminary data claims that from January through June, economic growth stood at 7.6 per ...


Cambodia very lucrative for investors

Economic diversification is attracting substantial sums of FDI from China and beyond. Rich in history and culture and blessed with wonderful natural and human resources that are driving its impressive economic growth and attracting record sums of foreign direct investment (FDI), the Kingdom of Cambodia offers ...


Chinese bypass the local fare

Hui Tien Jien has eaten at a Chinese restaurant called Old Place Seafood two times – and he’s been in Phnom Penh for only two days. Chinese restaurants in Phnom Penh are spreading in response to a flood of tourists from China: tourists who insist ...


Congressional Hearing in US Pushes Cut to Cambodian Aid

At a congressional hearing in Washington on Tuesday that scathingly rebuked Prime Minister Hun Sen and his ruling CPP, a U.S. lawmaker called for legislation to cut American aid to Cambodia following the national election on July 28. Representative Steve Chabot, who chaired the House Subcom­mittee ...


Bribes remain rampant: TI

Despite facing a rampant graft problem that has seen Cambodians paying bribes far more often than their regional neighbors, they have growing faith in the government’s ability to fight it, a Transparency International survey has found. TI’s 2013 Global Corruption Barometer, which measures perceptions of corruption ...


A more personal B Kak dispute makes airwaves

In the past few years, the explosive events at Boeung Kak lake – including violent evictions and arrests – have gone largely unreported outside the Kingdom’s independent media outlets. Outspoken community representative Tep Vanny has been under attack from her fellow Boeung Kak residents, who ...


Food prices up 1.6 pct in April

Cambodia saw a one per cent rise in inflation in April compared with the same month last year, according to the latest data from the National Institute of Statistics (NIS). Sim Ly, an official at the NIS said there was a slight increase in food and ...


Call for More Investment in Infrastructure

As much as $16 billion of investment is needed in Cambodia over the next decade if the country’s infrastructure is to keep up with the pace of economic growth, ac­cording to a regional think tank. At a seminar in Phnom Penh on Thuesday, Jakarta-based Economic Research ...


International Donors Call for Redesign of Sesan 2 Hydro Dam

International donors, including the U.S., Australia, the European Union and the World Bank, have urged the Cambo­dian government to redesign a massive hydropower project in Stung Treng province that environmentalists say will deplete fisheries and submit it to the Mekong River Commission (MRC) for consultation. In ...


Ban on Radio Broadcasts Lifted Amid US Pressure

The Ministry of Information on Saturday lifted a ban on the broadcast of all Khmer-language foreign radio programs by FM stations during the month leading up to the July 28 national election amid swift and harsh rebuke from the U.S. and the broadcasters themselves. The ministry ...


Nike calls for probe on Cambodian police clash with garment workers

Nike expressed “deep concerns” over the May 27 incident at the Sabrina Cambodia Garment Manufacturing plant outside Phnom Penh, in a letters to Cambodia’s commerce and labour ministers released late Friday in the United States. Following the violence, eight workers and trade union members were ...


Cambodia Drops on US Global Human Trafficking Ranking

The U.S. has downgraded Cambodia in its latest global Trafficking in Persons Report for showing no discernable improvements in its efforts to combat human trafficking over the past year, the country’s first demotion in five years. The 2013 report cites an increase in the number ...


Municipal officials given a larger hand in labour disputes

Continuing its efforts to quell an increasing number of strikes in the Kingdom’s lucrative garment sector, the government this week issued a directive aimed at giving provincial and municipal governors powers to resolve issues at factories without calling on ministries in Phnom Penh. “To ensure further ...


Opposition Asks Donors to Stop Work With Government

Lawmakers from the opposition SRP and Human Rights Party who were expelled from Parliament earlier this month have called on the foreign diplomatic corps and international donors to stop signing agreements and conducting other business with the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen. In a letter ...


ដំណាក់​កាល​ចាប់​ផ្តើម​នៃ​គម្រោង​ឥណ​ទា​ន​កា​បូន​​នៅ​កម្ពុ​ជា​​​​​​​​​ មាន​បញ្ហា​កើត​ឡើង

តាំង​ពី​ឆ្នាំ​២០០៧​មក ​អង្គការ ផេក​ (​P​act)បាននិង​កំពុង​អនុវត្ត​សហ​ប្រតិ​បត្តិ​​​​កា​រ​ជាមួយ​​​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​​ក្នុងការ​ប្រែ​ក្លាយ​ដី​ព្រៃ​ទំហំ​៦៨.០០០​ហិកតា​ ​នៅខេត្ត​ឧត្តរ​មា​ន​ជ័​យ​​​ឲ្យ​ក្លាយ​ជាដី​ ដែល ...

ហ្សមប៊រ ភីធឺរ៍ និង គុច ណារ៉េន

Police block Beoung Kak protesters

More than 100 police and security guards, including  riot squad members, were deployed to the capital’s Boeung Kak lake community yesterday to block a protest that, at times, involved only three shouting women. About 50 members of the Boeung Kak community tried to march from Village ...


Work-related deaths, injuries rose in 2012

The number of officially recorded workplace deaths in Cambodia increased by more than 25 per cent from 2011 to 2012, while the vast majority of those injured at work were women, National Social Security Fund figures released yesterday reveal. A total of 59 people were reported ...


Task of Obtaining Passport Is Adding To Illegal Migration Problem

Thousands of Cambodians cross the border via illegal checkpoints into Thailand every year. Some end up working in slave-like conditions on illegal fishing trawlers. Others work in factories while getting paid under the table. It is often a last resort fraught with danger and uncertainty and ...


Cambodia explores carbon

Prices in the global carbon market are too low to provide an incentive for Cambodian businesses to engage in carbon offset schemes, but there are other options for businesses to gain funds for emission reduction, industry experts say. Speaking on the sidelines of a two-day educational ...




បើលោកអ្នកមានសំនួរទាក់ទងនឹងខ្លឹមសារផ្សាយនៅលើគេហទំព័រ Open Development Cambodia (ODC)? យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ឆ្លើយ​តប​​ដោយ​ក្តី​រីក​រាយ។

តើអ្នកបានឃើញបញ្ហាបច្ចេកទេសណាមួយនៅលើគេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរឬទេ?


តើលោកអ្នកមានឯកសារដែលអាចជួយពង្រីក​គេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរ​ឬទេ​?​ យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ទិន្នន័យ​អំពី​ផែនទី​ ច្បាប់​ អត្ថបទ​ និង​ ឯកសារ​ដែល​ពុំ​មាននៅ​លើ​គេហទំព័រ​នេះ​ ហើយ​ពិចារណា​បោះផ្សាយ​ទិន្នន័យ​ទាំងនោះ​។​ សូម​មេត្តា​ផ្ញើ​តែ​ឯកសារ​ណា​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative Commons


កំណត់សម្គាល់៖ Open Development Cambodia (ODC) នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បញ្ជូន​មក​យ៉ាង​ហ្មត់ចត់​ ដើម្បី​កំណត់​ភាព​ត្រឹមត្រូវ​ និង​ពាក់ព័ន្ធ​ មុន​ពេលធ្វើការ​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​។​ រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​នឹង​ជា​ឯកសារ​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative​ Commons​។​ យើងខ្ញុំ​សូម​អគុណ​សំរាប់​ការ​គាំទ្រ​របស់​លោក​អ្នក​។​

* ប្រអប់មតិមិនអាចទទេ! មិនអាចបញ្ចូនបាន សូមធ្វើការបញ្ចូនម្តងទៀត! Please add the code correctly​ first.
