The Phnom Penh Post
Chevron offer ends Caltex station strike
Employees of Caltex petrol stations in Phnom Penh are returning to work today after management offered to raise salaries by $20 a month and not withhold pay for time missed during the strike, which started earlier this month. ...
Mom Kunthear
Health progress lauded
Cambodia’s progress in reducing maternal mortality was recognised internationally this week at the 67th World Health Assembly in Switzerland. Efforts to increase the number of skilled birth attendants and an increase in the number of 24-hour emergency centres available to pregnant women were both credited with ...
Amelia Woodside
Judiciary laws moving forward with ‘debate’
The National Assembly yesterday opened debate for the first time on the first of three controversial judicial draft laws, approving in principle the first two chapters of the Law on the Organisation and Functioning of the Courts, in the continued absence of the opposition Cambodia ...
Vong Sokheng
Customs agreement gets green light at NA
The National Assembly approved changes to the country’s customs law yesterday, in order to comply with Association of Southeast Asian Nations intergration standards. The changes demand border operations increase human resources, reduce paperwork and modernise procedures in order to simplify border exchange and facilitate trade between ...
May Kunmakara
Gov’t called on to save forests
Villagers from forest communities in nine provinces called on the government yesterday to take action after alleging that “the rich and powerful” are causing the “serious destruction” of their livelihoods. The villagers, with the support of two NGOs – the Children’s Development Association and Community Peace-Building ...
Phak Seangly
Lightning kills two in B’bang
A Battambang woman and teen were both struck and killed by lightning in two different districts on Monday, police said yesterday. A 28-year-old woman from Rokak Kiri district was taken to the commune hospital after she was killed by a lightning strike, according to Keo Vichet, ...
Mom Kunthear
Defendants cut off as 23’s trial goes on
When union leader Vorn Pov was finally allowed to give testimony yesterday on the third day of the trial of 23 men arrested during a garment strike in January, he found himself cut off by an attorney ordering him to answer only the exact question ...
May Titthara, Buth Reaksmey Kongkea and Sean Teehan
As Oz proposal nears, opposition mounting
Opposition to Australia’s proposal to send refugees to Cambodia is growing, with the Australian Greens’ immigration spokeswoman yesterday saying the party would try to block it in the Senate. Sarah Hanson-Young told The Sydney Morning Herald that Cambodia would be “a fundamentally unacceptable place for Australia to dump ...
Cheang Sokha
Acleda joins WEF growth club
Cambodia’s largest financial institution, Acleda Bank, has been adopted into the World Economic Forum’s group of Global Growth Companies (GGC), an exclusive club made up of some of the world’s fastest-growing medium-size firms. The WEF yesterday announced that 20 companies from the Asia-Pacific region had been ...
Eddie Morton
Minister to address beatings
Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith has pledged to meet with Daun Penh District Governor Sok Sambath to discuss the targeting of journalists by hired district security guards, said UNESCO country representative Anne Lemaistre, who met with the minister on Friday. The minister is also keen on ...
Kevin Ponniah and Mom Kunthear
Benefits for teachers? Not yet
The government has a response to teachers’ request for health insurance: We’ll provide it if you buy it. At a meeting in Takeo province this past weekend, the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA) said an upcoming teacher strike would include health insurance on the list of ...
Laignee Barron and Mom Kunthear
Rubber firm destroys homes
The Swift Rubber Company demolished three homes in Ratanakkiri province’s O’Chum district last week without compensation, telling about 120 families to leave immediately or face the destruction of more houses, according to villagers and rights group Adhoc. ...
Sen David
Exports to Japan see a big jump
Cambodia’s exports to Japan increased sharply by 39 per cent over the first three months of 2014 compared to the same period last year, according to data from the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). Total exports reached more than $178 million at the end of March, ...
May Kunmakara
Land fight in Kampong Speu
Some 250 families in Kampong Speu province’s Phnom Sruoch district have sought intervention from rights group Adhoc to help resolve a land dispute involving a business they allege is headed by the son of former provincial governor Kang Heang. Families from three villages say Heang, who ...
May Titthara
Amret MFI gets $10M loan to aid SME reach
Amret Microfinance received a $10 million boost yesterday by a loan from German development bank KfW, according to a joint statement from the finance institutions. Chea Phalarin, chief executive officer of Amret Microfinance Institution, said yesterday that the new loan – equal to nearly double its ...
Hor Kimsay
New rice body gets president
The newly formed Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), an organisation aimed at uniting the entire rice sector under one representative body, will be headed by Sok Puthyvuth, son of Deputy Prime Minister Sok An. Puthyvuth, who is also CEO of SOMA Group, a multifaceted business that includes ...
Chan Muyhong and Eddie Morton
Damage uncertain: Vision blurry for survivor of acid attack
After receiving burns to 40 per cent of his body in an acid attack and undergoing surgery five times, 41-year-old Hak Ay now has blurred vision in both eyes, according to the Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity (CASC). The survivor of this year’s first recorded acid attack ...
Amelia Woodside
Trial for 23 to resume amid rally
The trial of 23 men arrested at violent demonstrations in early January continues at 8am today, and unionists are planning on rallying outside the court in a show of solidarity. About 100 union members will join staff from the Cambodian Labour Confederation and the Coalition of ...
Sean Teehan
Caltex strike deal doesn’t hold up
After Caltex managers allegedly reneged on an agreement to pay workers a $20 bonus to suspend a strike for two months, employees say they would only return if the deal is in writing. In a Friday meeting, the Cambodian Food and Service Workers Federation agreed with ...
Phak Seangly and Sean Teehan
(ខ្មែរ) ការបោះឆ្នោតថ្នាក់ក្រោមជាតិម្សិលមិញប្រព្រឹត្តទៅយ៉ាងរលូន
ការបោះឆ្នោតថ្នាក់ក្រោមជាតិនៅកម្ពុជា បានប្រព្រឹត្តយ៉ាងរលូន កាលពីម្សិលមិញ ដោយលទ្ធផលល្អប្រសើររបស់បក្សប្រឆាំងក្នុងការបោះឆ្នោតឃុំសង្កាត់ពី ឆ្នាំ២០១២ ធ្វើឲ្យលទ្ធផលរឹងមាំនៅថ្នាក់ស្រុក-ក្រុង ខណ្ឌ និងខេត្តរាជធានីបើទោះលទ្ធផលទាបជាងការព្យាករទុកក៏ដោយ។ ការបោះឆ្នោតកាលពីម្សិលមិញ គឺបើកចំហចំពោះសមាជិកក្រុមប្រឹក្សាឃុំសង្កាត់ជាង ១១ ០០០ នាក់នៅក្នុងកម្ពុជា ហើយលទ្ធផលគឺស្របតាមសមាជិកបក្ស បើយោងតាមលទ្ធផលក្រៅផ្លូវការដែលប្រកាសដោយគណបក្សទាំងពីរ។ គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិឈ្នះសំឡេងភាគច្រើនក្នុងស្រុកពីរ គឺស្រុកមួយនៅ ខេត្តព្រៃវែង និងមួយទៀតនៅ ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម ហើយទទួលបានអាសនៈសរុបប្រហែល ២៣ ភាគរយជាតួលេខដែលកើនឡើង បើធៀបនឹងលទ្ធផលបោះឆ្នោតមុនៗហើយបាត់តិចតួចបំផុតធៀបនឹងអាសនៈដែលគណបក្សនេះមាននៅថ្នាក់ឃុំ-សង្កាត់។ ...
ភ្នំពេញ ប៉ុស្តិ៍
Exports expand: HK the new market for organic rice
In a first for the Kingdom’s organic rice, the Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC), successfully exported its produce to Hong Kong earlier this month, the organisation’s top official confirmed yesterday. ...
Hor Kimsay
Victim’s kin ‘no right to cash’
The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has defended its decision not to pay a survivors’ pension to the family of a teenager killed in a ceiling collapse at the Wing Star Shoes factory in Kampong Speu province last May. On the anniversary of the collapse on ...
Sen David and Mom Kunthear
Oz an example for mining reform
Inspired by Australian mining regulations, the Cambodian government is considering a raft of changes to the mineral resources mining law, including a rethink of the sector’s comparatively high tax rate. Citing discussions held with Western Australia state mining industry representatives last week, Meng Saktheara, secretary of ...
Eddie Morton
Workers fired after strike
Two factories in the Manhattan Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Svay Rieng province’s Bavet town have fired more than 40 workers since thousands-strong strikes ended early this month, unions say. Terminations at Best Way and Fico garment factories were bosses’ way of exacting revenge for the ...
Sen David