Cambodia's trade with S. Korea up 12% in 5 months

Bilateral trade between Cambodia and South Korea has reached 329 million U.S. dollars in the first five months of this year, up 12 percent over the same period last year, showed the latest figures from the Korea Trade- Investment Promotion Agency to Phnom Penh on ...

Trading Floor Silent Two Years After CSX Launch

It is almost two years to the day since Cambodia’s stock market launched in Phnom Penh in front of proud government officials, senior financiers and eager investors from across the region. Initial expectations were that a total of three state-owned firms would be listed within six ...

Hul Reaksmey and Alex Willemyns

Mystery Surrounds Ratanakkiri’s First Special Economic Zone

Construction of a special economic zone (SEZ) near the Vietnamese border in Ratanakkiri province’s eastern O’Yad­aw district is on track, but who exactly will avail of the facility and its services remains a mystery—even for senior provincial officials. The latest announced venture of agro-industry land concession ...

Japanese Companies Host Employment Fair in Phnom Penh

Cambodian students, graduates and jobseekers filled the main hall of the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center on Tuesday looking for employment opportunities with some of Japan’s largest corporations. Organizers said the event aimed to bridge the gap between skilled Cambodian job seekers and companies from the world’s third ...

Asian garment industry to undergo further segmentation

The Asian garment manufacturing industry will undergo further segmentation in the next three to four years as competition becomes more intense, experts said. China, Thailand and Vietnam will mainly produce high-end clothing, while Bangladesh, Laos, Burma and Cambodia will mainly produce low-end clothing. Lu Qijian, ...

FAO sees slight decline in Cambodian rice harvest this year

Cambodia’s rice harvest is forecast to reach 9.1 million tonnes this year, down from an estimated 9.3 million tonnes last year but up from 8.8 million tonnes in 2011, the Food and Agricultural Organization said Thursday. The estimates were contained in the UN agency’s quarterly Crop ...

Sales of palm sugar not so sweet

Sales of Cambodia’s World Trade Organization-certified palm sugar from Kampong Speu province dipped to 12 tonnes at the end of the harvest season this year, about a 30 per cent decline from 2012. Two districts with palm trees in Kampong Speu province were granted geographical indication ...

Cambodia records 1.32 bln USD trade deficit in H1

Cambodia saw a trade deficit of 1.32 billion U.S. dollars in the first six months of this year, according to a Commerce Ministry’s report on Thursday. The country’s total imports and exports were valued at 7.62 billion U.S. dollars during the period, up 20 percent from ...

Korea trade nears $1 billion

Bilateral trade between Cambodia and South Korea nearly reached the $1 billion dollar realm in 2012, a hike of nearly 100 per cent from the year before, senior officials said yesterday. According to official data from the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, total bilateral trade between ...

Cambodia's rice exports up 125 pct in first half of 2013

Cambodia has seen a sharp rise in the exports of milled rice in the first six months of this year thanks to increasing demand on international markets, an official said Wednesday. The figures, from the single window secretariat for facilitating milled rice exports, showed that the ...

Phnom Penh Port Trade Volume Increases by 29%

The number of shipping containers that passed through the Phnom Penh Autonomous Port increased by 29 percent during the first six months of the year compared to the same period in 2012, according to figures released yesterday. The port received 50,157 standard containers between January and ...

Japanese Mizuho Bank looks into Cambodian financial sector

Mizuho Bank, one of Japan’s largest banks, opened a representative office here Monday thanks to increasing interest in Cambodia by Japanese investors, a bank official said. To date, Cambodia has five foreign banks’ representative offices, 34 commercial banks, seven specialized banks and 37 microfinance institutions, ...

China currency deals surge

As trade activity between Cambodia and China intensifies, banks are seeing an increase in deals transacted in yuan, the Chinese currency. Operating in Cambodia since 2010, Bank of China’s Phnom Penh Branch has been trying to promote business transactions in yuan, and has seen a significant ...

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