Philippine Airlines plans to add routes to Cambodia
Philippine Airlines plans to launch flights between the Philippines and Cambodia, according to an aviation official. The move would break the monopoly of domestic competitor Cebu Pacific Air, which started flying the route in April last year. Aviation authorities in the Philippines sent a letter to ...
Anne Renzenbrink
HIV battle still flares
Despite massive reductions in HIV infection rates over the past two decades, HIV-positive Cambodians continue to face a wide array of non-medical challenges, a report released yesterday says. Written by NGOs, aid agencies and the government, the report says that vulnerable groups, including those who are ...
Amelia Woodside
Questions over strike violence
A Kampong Speu judge released the vice-president and a member of the Free Trade Union on bail yesterday after the court questioned the two about their alleged roles in a violent demonstration at Sabrina Garment factory. ...
Mom Kunthear
Two more H5N1 cases confirmed
A 5-year-old girl from Takeo province and a 2-year-old girl from Kampot province – who has already died – mark the 19th and 20th confirmed cases of avian influenza this year, a hospital spokesman said. The Ministry of Health is expected to issue a statement ...
Amelia Woodside
R’kiri floods trap thousands
The number of Ratanakkiri residents trapped in their homes by floodwater that continues to rise amid relentless rain is now estimated by provincial authorities to be at least 4,000. Heavy rain has put five Lumphat district communes – Lbaing I, Chey Uddom, Batang, Seda and Kaleng ...
Sen David
Blueprint for a reformed NEC
In the week before the National Election Committee was formed in December 1997, Chheng Phon predicted he had a tough road ahead. “If you ask me personally, I must say I do not want this job,” the inaugural boss told the Post from the banks of a canal ...
Shane Worrell and Khouth Sophak Chakrya
First hedging deal transacted
ANZ Royal Bank has transacted a landmark commodities hedging deal with a local oil importer, officials at the bank said yesterday. The deal allows the company, whose name ANZ Royal would not disclose, citing confidentiality agreements, to lock in an agreed price for the future sale ...
Daniel de Carteret
NGO says commander smuggled timber, tip-off ‘ignored’
A conservation group yesterday accused a military commander in Kampong Speu of smuggling two tonnes of illegally cut rosewood to Vietnam on Monday night. Chea Hean, director of the Natural Resources and Wildlife Preservation Organisation, said the commander had cut the timber in the protected Oral ...
Phak Seangly
Travel group calms visitors
In an apparent bid to reassure jittery visitors watching the country’s political scene, the Cambodia Association of Travel Agents (CATA) said in a statement yesterday that post-election tensions would not harm tourists. Addressing its members – tour operators and travel agencies – as well as national ...
Anne Renzenbrink and Laura Ma
Battambang Pepsi factory torn down to make facility
A long-abandoned Pepsi bottling factory that became a part of the tourist trail in Battambang province has been razed to make way for a water-treatment facility, according to officials. On June 19, JICA signed off on a $33.5 million water-supply-system project in Kampong Cham and ...
May Kunmakara
Tuk-tuks to be solar-powered
Australian green energy company Star 8 has designed a solar-powered tuk-tuk and is in the process of building a factory in Cambodia to make the vehicles, according to a report in Australian newspaper The Age. The vehicles’ makers said the tuk-tuks will cost between A$2,000 (US$1,865) ...
Daniel de Carteret
Shuttered schools, factories
With only about 10 per cent of its 1,000-person workforce at their stations by 8am yesterday, management at Hoyear (Cambodia) Garment Ltd cut its losses and announced that the factory would close for the next two days. Thousands across the capital opted out of work ...
Sean Teehan, Laignee Barron and Mom Kunthear
Protest gets injection of energy
What had been a relatively subdued gathering at Freedom Park yesterday became a jubilant celebration as opposition leaders Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha delivered the news of fruitful discussions with the government to party faithful. Despite much-diminished crowds – and the sobering events of Sunday night ...
Stuart White and Meas Sokchea
សហគមន៍ខ្មែរអាមេរិកប្រមាណ ៥០០នាក់ គ្រោងនឹងរៀបចំបាតុកម្មមួយនៅមុខសភាតំណាងរាស្ត្រក្នុងរដ្ឋធានី វ៉ាស៊ីនតោន នៅថ្ងៃទី១៨ ខែកញ្ញា ចាប់ពីម៉ោង ១១ព្រឹក ដល់ម៉ោង ២ល្ងាច។ គម្រោងធ្វើបាតុកម្មនេះ ធ្វើឡើងដើម្បីគាំទ្រសេចក្ដីព្រាងនូវញត្តិសម្រេចចិត្តពីររបស់ សមាជិករដ្ឋសភា និងព្រឹទ្ធសភាសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក ក្នុង ...
ភ្នំពេញៈ ភាពស្ងៀមស្ងាត់បានកើតមាននៅទីលានប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ កាលពីរាត្រីថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ ជាទីដែលអ្នកគាំទ្របក្សប្រឆាំងរាប់ពាន់នាក់ បានស្នាក់អាស្រ័យបន្ទាប់ពីការធ្វើមហាបាតុកម្មរបស់ពួកគេនៅ ថ្ងៃដំបូង។ ប៉ុន្តែពួកគេត្រូវបានរំខាន បន្ទាប់ពីបានឮព័ត៌មាន ...
ឃុត សុភចរិយា និង Shane Worrell
UN intervention twice quells violence
The intervention of the United Nations in two violent clashes between police and protesters on Sunday was as much of a surprise to the opposition party as to bewildered onlookers, a party spokesman said. Officers from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ...
Kevin Ponniah
Abuse allegations dog latest oknha honouree
A wealthy tycoon who stands accused of savagely abusing two teenage maids for nearly a decade has been anointed with the sought-after honourific of oknha. In a royal decree dated July 26 and obtained yesterday, Veng Lyphytech – who, along with his wife, Ly Pov, faces ...
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea
ភ្នំពេញៈ បន្ទាប់ពីឧបទ្ទវហេតុអំពើហិង្សាពីរដាច់ពីគ្នានៅរាជធានី ភ្នំពេញ កាលពីល្ងាចថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ ក្រុមសិទ្ធិមនុស្សកាលពីថ្ងៃម្សិលមិញ បានចង្អុលទៅការបិទផ្លូវរបស់ប៉ូលិសជាច្រើនកន្លែងក្នុងរាជធានី ភ្នំពេញ រួមទាំងមហាវិថីធំៗផង ថា ជាមូលហេតុមួយនៃការស្តីបន្ទោសក្នុងការបង្ក ...
ឆាយ ច័ន្ទនីដា - Kevin Ponniah
Barricades led to chaos: NGOs
Following two dramatic incidents of violence in the capital on Sunday evening, rights groups yesterday pointed to heavy police blockades at dozens of streets around Phnom Penh, including at several city arteries, as being partly to blame. Clashes broke out at Sisowath Quay on Sunday afternoon ...
Kevin Ponniah and Chhay Channyda
ភ្នំពេញៈ មេដឹកនាំគណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា លោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ហ៊ុន សែន និងមេដឹកនាំគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ លោក សម រង្ស៊ី បានប្តេជ្ញា ស្វែងរកដំណោះស្រាយដោយសន្តិវិធី នៅមុនសម័យប្រជុំសភាលើកដំបូងដែលគ្រោងធ្វើឡើងនៅថ្ងៃទី២៣ កញ្ញាខាងមុខនេះ។ ការបេ្ដជ្ញានេះ បានធ្វើឡើង បន្ទាប់ពីកិច្ចប្រជុំបិទទ្វារ ...
វង្ស សុខេង និង Abby Seiff
Barriers block streets, customers
Security barricades and razor-wire installations set up around Phnom Penh yesterday were supposed to maintain order as the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party kicked off what it promised to be three days of mass protests. But the show of force and control had more of an ...
Post Staff
Grade 9 test pushed back amid protest
The Ministry of Education has suspended the grade 9 examinations this week without citing a reason. In a letter sent yesterday, parents and students are informed that examinations slated to take place today and Tuesday would instead take place on September 26 and 27. ...
Mom Kunthear
Huge UXO stash found by farmer
A potato farmer who unearthed old bullets as he ploughed his field on Friday in Oddar Meanchey province discovered more than 500 pieces of unexploded ordnance, anti-mine officials said yesterday. Farmer Hun Kren, 29, alerted authorities to the discovery in Banteay Ampil district, where Cambodian Mine ...
Kim Sarom and Laignee Barron
Killing of endangered gaur prompts arrests
Four unidentified men were arrested yesterday for allegedly killing an endangered and pregnant gaur – a species of wild bovine – in a protected wildlife reserve in Mondulkiri province, provincial officials said. After villagers discovered the carcass on Wednesday, provincial authorities along with conservationists in charge ...
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea