
Apartment demand falters in Q3

The apartment rental market was flat in the third quarter after strong growth earlier in the year, with oversupply and political tensions among the causes blamed by realty experts. Chrek Soknim, deputy director of VTrust Property Co, Ltd, said that growth has stagnated after the January-March ...

Siv Meng

UK Pedophile Came to Cambodia to Teach in Schools

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Wednesday charged convicted British pedophile Richard Fruin, 36, with sexually abusing two brothers, aged 8 and 11, at a guesthouse in Phnom Penh, court officials said. While the court has yet to decide Fruin’s fate, his case—and many similar ...

Kuch Naren and Ben Woods

NGOs Say Women Could Help End the Political Impasse

More women should be part of any future high-level negotiations between the ruling CPP and opposition CNRP to resolve the current political deadlock, a coalition of women’s rights NGOs said Tuesday in a statement. In a joint statement by more than 20 organizations, the groups criticized ...

Kuch Naren and Dene-Hern Chen

Ball’s in their court: CPP

Minister of Interior and Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng said yesterday that the ruling party was waiting for the opposition to contact them regarding negotiations to break the ongoing political deadlock. CNRP president Sam Rainsy yesterday said his party would “definitely” be contacting the CPP, ...

Meas Sokchea

Bandith lawyer ‘in dark’

The lawyer of wanted fugitive Chhouk Bandith yesterday said key witnesses had not been summonsed to an appeal hearing of the sentencing of the powerful former Bavet town governor, scheduled for Thursday. Defence lawyer Sun Bannarith told the Post he had found out about the hearing from the ...

May Titthara

Buried mine injures pair of soldiers

Two Cambodian soldiers sustained injuries after accidentally setting off a buried anti-personnel mine in Pailin on Sunday. The soldiers were stationed at the A3 military camp based in Chheu Krom village, on the Cambodian-Thai border in Pailin. ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

‘Dialogues’ set for provinces

They can’t talk in the National Assembly, and they can’t talk in the provinces – at least at the parliamentarian level – but a new round of local dialogues held by the National Democratic Institute will see the ruling party and the opposition face off ...

Laignee Barron

Disenfranchised Votes Point to Potentially Different Election Result

The Washington-based National Democratic Institute (NDI) on Tuesday shared initial findings from a survey carried out across the country in the wake of July’s national election, which found that one-third of the country’s eligible voters could not vote on election day. Laura Thornton, the NDI’s country ...

Lauren Crothers

Prime Real Estate May Be Set for Development

A 5,000-square-meter plot of land owned by the local Sokimex Group on Phnom Penh’s Street 154, near Wat Ounalom and Kandal market, could be the site of a new, multi-story hotel, the conglomerate’s CEO said Tuesday. Sok Kong, Sokimex CEO, said Tuesday that construction of a ...

Aun Pheap and Joshua Wilwohl



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