
Social accountability page was presented at civic tech meetup

On 25 November, the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) team conducted a presentation at the seventh Civic Tech Meetup in Kampong Chhnang city, Kampong Chhnang province. The series of meetups were challenged by Covid-19, but have recently resumed limited in-person meetings. During this all-day hybrid virtual and in-person event conducted by DAI, the Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) project was shared with civil society organizations (CSOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), community accountability facilitators (CAFs), youths, and civic tech enablers. Altogether 36 (21 females) participants actively participated in the event. The Digital Innovation and Information Fund was also introduced, and explored areas for collaboration.ODC’s Programs and Partnership Manager Ms. Ourn Vimoil joined the session remotely to share about the development of the new Social Accountability page. Ms. Vimoil presented the objectives of the page, its development process, and available updated information on the page, which presents in four main formats such as infographics, articles, data tables, and maps.Ms. Ourn Vimoil is presenting ...

The launching workshop of ODC’s social accountability profile page

On November 11, ODC shared its new Social Accountability profile page with a public launch. The page was brainstormed by the ODC team as an improvement in the presentation and organization of ODC data, and designed to share information on Social Accountability and public service ...

A fruitful board meeting for Open Development Cambodia

The Open Development Cambodia (ODC) team was delighted to host the recent board meeting at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Phnom Penh on 10 October 2021. It was the first time the board members and the ODC management team had a physical gathering since the ...

The collaboration between Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and the Prek Leap National Institute of Agriculture (PLNIA)

To promote the use of open data, ODC collaborates with several universities in Cambodia to support young researchers with their theses. In 2018, ODC and the East-West Management Institute (EWMI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Preak Leap National Institute of Agriculture to ...

Advanced social media training for campaigns

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has been conducting regular social media outreach postings on Facebook for its many activities, including its work for the Innovations in Social Accountability project. Its ISAC program partner Internews facilitated training by a digital marketing specialist on Advanced Social Media for ...

ODC Google Analytics training

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has been working closely with Internews for the Innovations in Social Accountability project. To strengthen the ODC team’s site measurement capabilities, Internews facilitated training on Google Analytics for six staff and one CSO observer.The training was conducted by a local Google ...

Virtual data literacy training on social accountability

On 14, 15,16 and 17 of June 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted a four-day training under the topic of “Data Literacy Training on Social Accountability”. Due to the pandemic outbreak, the half-day training was conducted virtually via Zoom video conferencing platform and was joined ...

Virtual workshop on commune/sangkat citizen budget template to commune and district officials in Ou Chrov and Malai district

In collaboration with STAR Kampuchea, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted and facilitated a virtual workshop on commune/sangkat citizen budget template to commune and district officials in Ou Chrov and Malai district in the morning of the 12th and 14th of July, 2021 respectively. This workshop ...

Celebrating the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2021

In December 1994, the United Nations decided that the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (IPs) shall be celebrated on August 09 every year. That date marks the day of the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations in 1982. People ...

Success story of data literacy training program: ROEUN Narith

Many of the data transparency training participants have been using data in one way or another in their day-to-day work. They sign-up for the program to improve their ability to use data as a means of storytelling to a new level. Roeun Narith is the ...

Success story of data literacy training program: LY Vichheka

In Cambodia, data-driven storytelling is almost non-existent and still a very new concept to most journalists, media branches, newsrooms and CSOs. In the newsrooms, data journalism is rarely produced due to limited data literacy.The project aimed to train people in data-driven storytelling. While there is ...

ISAC's Data literacy workshop 2021

Following curriculum development and localization, ODC’s team taught a Data Literacy Workshop in February in coordination with Internews for the Innovations in Social Accountability Project (ISAC). The Workshop aimed to boost Cambodia’s growing Open Data ‘ecosystem’ by strengthening the skills of civil society organizations and ...

E-Workshop on data scraping

In March, Internews facilitated a ‘Data Scraping’ e-Workshop for the Open Development Cambodia team. The aim of the workshop was to strengthen ODC’s technical capability to collect ISAC-relevant data from government websites, for public sharing on the developing Social Accountability web page. The Workshop was conducted ...

Using ICT and Maps in promoting STEM Education for the public high school in Cambodia

The project Cambodian Civil Society Strengthening (CCSS), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the East-West Management Institute (EWMI), has been implemented by Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in collaboration with the Department of Information Technology of the Ministry of Education, Youth ...

Thanks for giving me the best memories​ – Than Davit

During my three-month internship at ODC as a Research Intern, I worked closely with the Economy Researcher-Editor to assist the editor team in conducting research, producing more topics, collecting publication documents and data for publishing and uploading onto ODC’s platform. ...

​Third training: Data literacy for public health

On 27, 28, and 29 of April 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has successfully conducted a three-day training under the theme “Data Literacy for Public Health”. Due to the pandemic outbreak, the three-day training was hosted virtually on Zoom video conferencing platform. 13 participants (8 ...

Seminar on Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDS)

On 3 January 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC), in collaboration with the Cambodia Indigenous People Organization (CIPO) conducted a half-day virtual seminar on “Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDS)”. The event was part of the ongoing project coordinated by Open Development Mekong and its national partners, which ...

Second training: Data literacy for public health

On 5, 6, 8, and 9 April 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has successfully conducted a four-day training under the theme “Data Literacy for Public Health”. This is their second training under this theme. The event was hosted by ODC team and conducted virtually via ...

Cambodia’s agriculture sector amid COVID-19

Agriculture has been considered as the backbone of the national economy. Of the total population, 76% were living in rural areas and agriculture provided 31.2% of total employment and contributed 20.7% to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2019.1 However, the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 ...

The first district website to have its domain officially registered and served for promoting budget transparency

Located at Banteay Meanchey province, Ou Chruv district lies in the west of the province and is also one of the nine districts of the province. Bordering with Thailand makes Ou Chruv a border crossing point that is home to one of the busy districts. ...

Open Data Day 2021: Data in time of COVID-19

On 06 March 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and the ICT Community celebrated international Open Data Day by conducting a half-day event with the theme of “Data in Time of COVID-19.” The event was live on ODC’s official Facebook page for the online public.The event ...

Oil exploration in Cambodia

In Southeast Asia, Cambodia is one of the countries rich in natural resources—gemstones, gas, oil, phosphates, manganese, iron ore and timber.1 Since the early 2000s, many companies like Thailand’s PTT, Petro Vietnam and China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) have searched for possible oil reserves ...

ODC 2020 annual staff retreat and reflection

Following a long tradition, the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) team had the chance to go on the off-site Annual Staff Retreat and Reflection between the 20th and the 23rd of January 2021. The team spent four days at Chi-Phat Ecotourism Community and Tatai Paradise Eco ...

Data literacy training for public health

On 15-16 February 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) successfully conducted a training workshop on “Data Literacy for Public Health”. The training was hosted at ODC’s office in Phnom Penh and gathered 11 participants from various backgrounds including citizen journalists, development project officers, research officers and ...

Open Data Survey

As a part of the Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) project, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is pleased to share the Open Data Survey conducted by Internews.In 2019, Internews commissioned ITC lecturer Vamoeurn Nimol and Júlia Garcia Puig to review existing resources and conduct ...

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