Oil transport

Source: Volkswagen Worker 17-210 tanker truck refueling the TAM Airlines Airbus A320 by Deni Williams, taken on 23 November 2013, License: Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Volkswagen Worker 17-210 tanker truck refueling the TAM Airlines Airbus A320. Photo by Deni Williams, taken on November 23rd 2013, Licensed under: CC BY 2.0

Despite having both onshore and offshore oil discoveries in the country, Cambodia does not produce oil and has been importing petroleum products from Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore.1

The Cambodia Trucking Association (CAMTA) says it controls around 70% of the Kingdom’s transportation.2 Formed in February 26, 2004, CAMTA has officially registered and been recognized by the Ministry of Interior as a legitimate transportation agent in the country. The Association consists of 16 trucking companies and 604 trucks, which altogether could reach a total capacity of 18,030 tons of transportation daily.3

Last Updated July 2015


  1. 1. Chan Muy Hong, “Cambodian oil imports decrease by 2.2 per cent.” The Phnom Penh Post. 25 November, 2013. http://www.phnompenhpost.com/business/cambodian-oil-imports-decrease-22-cent
  2. 2. Post Staff. “Trucking companies unite The Phnom Penh Post. 24 September 2004. http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/trucking-companies-unite
  3. 3. Ibid
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