Cambodian street. Photo by Mariusz Kluzniak, taken on 2 January 2012. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Development and assistance for land tenure and titling issues take a variety of forms, from research and advocacy to raising rights awareness in communities, providing titling assistance, and giving legal assistance to victims of land disputes and evictions. While international NGOs tend to focus on capacity building, advocacy and support of local NGOs, many local NGOs provide direct services and support to communities and individuals by raising awareness of legal rights, providing legal aid and training community members.
The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) and the Cambodian Rehabilitation Development Board (CRDB) jointly publish the Cambodia NGO Database, which provides a list of domestic and foreign NGOs working in Cambodia.1 However, the list cannot be filtered by sector to yield a list of NGOs working on land tenure and titling issues. And although many NGOs incorporate land tenure security and titling programs into their work, the NGO database has recorded only two NGO land management and planning projects as of July 2015. This includes on-going, completed and pipeline projects. One of these projects was conducted by Oxfam Novib. The NGO Database states that Oxfam Novib has no on-going projects, only one past land management and planning project and 11 past projects in total.2 In contrast, Oxfam Novib reports at least 10 on-going projects that have a land focus, and a total of 36 projects in Cambodia.3 Such inconsistencies highlight the absence of comprehensive and accurate data about NGOs working in Cambodia.
Land management and planning projects reported on the NGO Database
NGO | Type | Project Name | Objectives | Budget | Duration |
Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment | Cambodian | Indigenous Peoples: Community Identification and Registration | To support Phnong identification, culture and tradition, and improve their lives | $31,335 | 2011-2012 |
Oxfam Novib | Foreign | Sustainable Livelihoods 2014 | Food security, protection and control over the use of natural resources | $790,054 | 2014 |
For a list of some NGOs working on land tenure and titling issues in Cambodia, see “Related resources”. ODC has tried to be as comprehensive as possible in compiling this list, but it does not include every NGO working on these issues in Cambodia. Organizations were included based on the accessibility and breadth of information available in the public domain about their land tenure and titling activities. As a result, many local NGOs that do not have a website or easily identifiable web presence could not be included.
Related to land tenure and land titling NGOs
- Land tenure and titling
- Development and assistance for land tenure and land titling
- Land tenure and land titling funding
Last updated: 1 November 2015
- 1. Council for the Development of Cambodia and the Cambodian Rehabilitation Board. 2015. “List of Source of Funds by Sector.” NGO Database. Accessed July 2015, http://cdc.khmer.biz/ngo/report/listing_by_sector_board.asp.
- 2. Ibid.
- 3. Oxfam Novib. 2015. Atlas Database. Accessed 28 July 2015, https://atlas.oxfamnovib.nl/index.cfm?action=map.